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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Shrapnel Certainly Scams


"FBI director raises questions about  

whether Trump 

 was hit by bullet  

during assassination attempt" 

"Shortly after a gunman opened fire at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, Donald Trump said the projectile that hit his ear and caused it to bleed was a bullet." 

"But in testimony before the House judiciary committee yesterday, FBI director Christopher Wray said it was not clear if that was indeed the case, 

 or if Trump was struck by shrapnel" 

"Since 7 October Israel Bonds has raised a staggering $3bn worldwide."


"Ohio’s ethics law forbids public officials from taking substantial gifts 

 from an “improper source”, including from any person or organization “seeking to do business with the agency”.  

"Since 2019, Sprague has bought $357.5m worth of Israeli bonds on behalf of Ohio."

"The trip to Israel was to begin with Sprague checking into a five-star Jerusalem hotel before being shuttled to a gala dinner at a subterranean venue with vaulted stone ceilings.  

The itinerary for the days afterward included a trip to the City of David, the controversial archaeological site, for “an exclusive tour of places not yet open to the public, including groundbreaking archeological artifacts”.  

The itinerary also included meetings with Israeli politicians, a wine tasting at an Israeli vineyard, exclusive tours of two Israeli military bases and a private, after-hours tour of Tel Aviv’s Museum of the Jewish People to see 

 the earliest copy of the Hebrew Bible.  

On the final day of the trip, the itinerary listed a visit to Israel’s presidential residence for a meeting 

 with the Israeli president, Isaac Herzog." 

"the spokesperson for Israel Bonds, said that only one public official – presumably Sprague – had registered for the ultimately canceled 2023 trip, and that the official planned to pay for the trip himself at the same rate as other attendees. No US public officials have attended an Israel Bonds trip since 2019, "  

"Since 7 October Israel Bonds has raised a staggering $3bn worldwide."


"Dawn, a non-profit organization that has accused Israel of human rights violations, submitted a complaint to the US Department of Justice alleging that Israel Bonds appeared to be violating a federal law designed to keep tabs on foreign influence operations in the US.  

The complaint urged the justice department to investigate whether Israel Bonds broke the law by not registering as a foreign agent." 

"many of the US states that answered the call to buy Israeli bonds are the same ones that have  

railed loudly against investment strategies based on social and environmental issues, such as the climate crisis. " 

"the majority of state financial officials who invested millions in Israeli bonds in the first month of the war belonged to a conservative group that is now lobbying to keep “the left” out of state treasuries" 


(This story was co-published with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists)



"Oregon’s public pension fund, which manages tens of billions of dollars in retirement savings, appears to have privately given its blessing to a 2019 deal by an investment fund to acquire NSO Group, the controversial spyware company." 

Oregon officials said they were “deeply disturbed” by reports that  

NSO Group “enabled widespread human rights violations”. 

"NSO, which is based in Israel, was recently blacklisted by the Biden administration and accused of acting against the national security interests of the US" 

"Oregon invested $233m in a private equity firm, Novalpina Capital, in 2017. 

 Novalpina’s fund then acquired a controlling stake in NSO in 2019, 

 making the Oregon fund the largest indirect investor in the spyware company.

A spokesperson for  Tobias Read, 

 who has oversight of public investments but does not personally....scam." 

 Scam scam scam scam scam. 


"Trump mentioned Hannibal Lecter again last night, during a rally in North Carolina. 

 During a rambling tangent about immigrants, Trump said: “They’re coming from everywhere. My dad's dad came from Germany. My wife Melania is from Everything is Russia. 

 They’re coming from all over the world, from prisons and jails, and mental institutions and insane asylums.  

You know, they go crazy when I say, ‘The late great Hannibal Lecter,’ OK? They say, ‘Why would he mention Hannibal Lecter? He must be cognitively in trouble.’  

No no no, these are real stories. Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs. He’s a lovely man. He’d love to have you for dinner.”


"Trump’s unending Hannibal references are so overwhelmingly confusing that it has sent the internet running to the hills in search of something, anything, that might explain  

why the next potential president of the world’s biggest superpower 

 keeps repeating the same baffling non-sequitur 

 every time he gets near a microphone.  " 

'The theory goes that Donald Trump believes the word “asylum” only has one definition,  

and that everyone who seeks asylum is automatically by definition insane. This could also be reinforced by the fact that, in 2001’s Hannibal, Lecter lives in Florence and is therefore an immigrant" 

(It's a form of association, equating one thing or concept with another.) 

"The repeated use of the line “the late, great Hannibal Lecter” seems to suggest he might be unable to discern fiction from reality. To make matters worse, Hannibal Lecter isn’t actually dead. He remained alive through all the Silence of the Lambs prequels" 

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