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Friday, July 12, 2024

Dogs Cats Meat

 "The meat-based pet food that dogs and cats eat can have a significant environmental impact:

Greenhouse gas emissions

Producing pet food uses land, water, and energy, and is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions.  

According to one estimate, feeding dogs and cats in the US produces around 64 million tons of carbon dioxide each year, which is roughly the same as 13.6 million cars on the road.  

Another study estimates that pet food could be responsible for up to 2.9% of CO2eq emissions globally 

Although dogs and cats only eat about a fifth of what humans eat, they eat a third of the meat.  

If American dogs and cats were their own country, they would rank fifth in global meat consumption." 

"In addition to the environmental impact of pet food, dogs and cats can also have other environmental impacts:

Dog feces

When left on the ground or pavement, dog feces can wash into storm drains and rivers, which can disrupt ecosystems. Dog feces also produce methane, a greenhouse gas that is 30 times more potent than carbon dioxide.

Cat predation

Cats are the leading human-caused threat to the survival of bird species in the US, killing an estimated 2.4 billion birds per year. Cats can also impact wildlife through behavioral changes, disease transmission, and hybridization. " 

 I call bullshit, there.   

AI, feeding bullshit.  


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