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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A mood of satisfaction teeter totter Weapons Profiteers, Religious Asses


Shlomo Karhi, minister of communications, wrote on X: “Yes, all your enemies will perish, O God”, although it later appeared to have been deleted. 

The heritage minister, Amichay Eliyahu, celebrated his killing, writing on X: “Haniyeh’s death makes the world a little better” and that this is the “right way to clean the world from this filth”.  

Amichai Chikli, minister of diaspora affairs and combating antisemitism, posted a video of the Hamas leader on X with the caption “Careful What You Wish For”.  

"Seventy-four people were injured in the strike, mostly from windows and debris from surrounding buildings.  

 Four were killed, including two children" 

Collateral Wish Orgy  

"If you hit us, we will hit you. If you want to widen [the conflict], then we will widen it.  

Whatever Sayed Nasrallah says, we are ready for it. 

 Even if they asked us women for the Jihad, we will go fight,” Joumana added."


"The news agency reports that in much of Israel   

"7 million pounds of hams, bologna, bacon, sausage and frankfurters" Voted Republican. " 

there was a mood of satisfaction,   

a day after Israel’s military said it killed one of the most senior leaders of Iranian-backed Hezbollah in Beirut "


"Malaysian prime minister Anwar Ibrahim said he condemned “in the strongest possible terms” the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh " 

"Religion (2020)

63.5% Sunni Islam (official)

18.7% Buddhism

9.1% Christianity

6.1% Hinduism

0.9% other

1.8% unknown" but Never Atheist eh? 

"Peninsular Malaysia shares a land and maritime border with Thailand  

and maritime borders with Singapore, Vietnam, and Indonesia.  

East Malaysia shares land and maritime borders with Brunei and Indonesia, as well as a maritime border with the Philippines and Vietnam." 

Assassination violates Sovereignty 

Another War Crime 

International Court of Justice V. Israel, USA (weapons, oil, food Profiteers) 

'While recognising Islam as the official religion, the constitution grants freedom of religion to non-Muslims. 

 "The government is modelled on the Westminster parliamentary system, and the legal system is based on common law. The head of state is an elected monarch, chosen from among the nine state sultans every five years. The head of government is the prime minister.

After independence, the gross domestic product (GDP) grew at an average rate of 6.5% per year for 50 years. 

The country's economy has traditionally been driven by its natural resources but is expanding into commerce, tourism, and medical tourism. The country has a newly industrialised market economy, and it ranks very high in the Human Development Index." 


"The EU has a principled position of rejecting extrajudicial killings and of supporting the rule of law, including in international criminal justice,” Stano said, adding:  

'Evidence of modern human habitation in Malaysia dates back 40,000 years. In the Malay Peninsula, the first inhabitants are thought to be Negritos..

 Areas of Malaysia participated in the Maritime Jade Road between 2000 BC to 1000 AD. 


'In 1511, Malacca was conquered by Portugal, after which it was taken by the Dutch in 1641. In 1786, the British Empire established a presence in Malaya, when the Sultan of Kedah leased Penang Island to the British East India Company" 

"the White Rajahs over an independent kingdom until 1946, when it became a crown colony." 

"In the late 1990s, the Asian financial crisis impacted the country, nearly causing their currency, stock, and property markets to crash; however, they later recovered"

"Malaysia also has a special court to hear cases brought by or against royalty.

Race is a significant force in politics. 

Affirmative actions such as the New Economic Policy and the National Development Policy which superseded it, were implemented to advance the standing of  

the bumiputera, consisting of Malays and the indigenous tribes who are considered the original inhabitants of Malaysia,  

over non-bumiputera such as Malaysian Chinese and Malaysian Indians. 

These policies provide preferential treatment to bumiputera in employment, education, scholarships, business, and access to cheaper housing and assisted savings.  

However, it has generated greater interethnic resentment "


"The message was that Israel can strike anyone, anywhere — '  

"The California governor, Gavin Newsom, thanked his Texas counterpart, Gregg Abbott, on Tuesday for sending more than two dozen fire engines to help combat the Park fire this week."

"Since the war began, American peacemaking has been like Zeno’s paradoxes, where each step takes you halfway closer to the goal, but you never reach it."  

'California lawsuit says oil giants deceived public on climate, seeks funds for storm damage"

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