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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

82nd and Stark blind spot tree

 Climate Group to Highlight Lack of Shade in East Portland With Bike Ride

350PDX says the ride will show how tree canopy is unfairly distributed across the city.



No one enjoys trees more than me. 

However, this is one example of design flaw, people in cubicles with perhaps good notions but without eyes on the ground. 

This is the corner of SE 82nd and Stark.  Cars are moving fast to get past one block prior traffic lights on SE Washington. 

Washington and Stark are both one way, two lane streets. 

The tree planted has a nice limb growth at knee level up over 6 feet. There's no visibility for car drivers approaching or for bicyclists or pedestrians. Its close to the Stark corner and crosswalk. 

Just a week ago I encountered a car making a wrong right turn there onto Stark, a one way road. McDonalds, Chevron gas station, and United Grocers, and a used car lot are the 4 corner businesses. 

Take a walk there. See if you feel safe or seen by traffic. Try your crosswalk luck. Someone sometimes will get hit by a car, theres a multitude of factors. 

Plant correctly. Plan on accidents occuring. We need shade we need trees, the city doesn't need lawsuits, death, injury, or feeling apprehensive. 

Go there. 82nd and SE Stark.

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