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Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Heritage Foundation never Herd of Trump to Bloodbath spa


Trump claimed to   

Fred Trump 1950, wearing a then-unpopular toothbrush moustache 

“know nothing about Project 2025” and have “no idea who is behind it”. Trump wrongly claims his dad was born in Germany — for the third time

 The disavowal from Trump came after  

 Kevin Roberts, the president of the Heritage Foundation, said:  

We are in the process of the second American revolution,  

which will remain bloodless,  

if the left allows it to be.” 

(How will the poor oligarchs get oxygen into their lungs if they're bloodless?) 

Donald Trump repeats 'bloodbath' comment  

Trump repeats controversial 'bloodbath' language to attack Biden over immigration . Trump wrongly claims his dad was born in Germany — for the third time.

Trump has said on several occasions that immigrants in the United States illegally are "poisoning the blood of our country."

Anti-Defamation League leader Jonathan Greenblatt called the language "racist, xenophobic and despicable."   

Trump wrongly claims his dad was born in Germany — for the third time

The campaign of Democratic President Joe Biden compared Trump's comments to those of  

Adolf Hitler,  

who used the phrase "blood poisoning" in his manifesto "Mein Kampf."  

Washington Post › ...

Trump wrongly claims his dad was born in Germany — for the third time 

It's the charm. Third Reich, fourth reichs the charm. 

said Trump. “My father is German, was German, born in a very wonderful place in Germany so I have a very great feeling for Germany.” 

Trump’s father, Fred Trump, was born in New York. Trump’s grandfather, Friedrich Trump, was born in the German village of Kallstadt. 

According to a German historian, Friedrich Trump immigrated to the US in 1885, escaping poverty and allegedly  

catering to miners during the Gold Rush in the western US.  

He returned to Germany in 1901, fell in deep moral debt and sold his paunch soul to Beelzebub. 

Trump has falsely claimed his father was born in Germany before. In July 2018, as he criticized EU nations for doing business with Iran  

after Trump broke a nuclear agreement with the country, Trump also claimed his father was born abroad.  

He was not. Trump’s mother was Scottish.

For years before he became president, Trump falsely claimed former president Barack Obama was born in Kenya, a conspiracy theory he repeated even after it was disproved."


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