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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Food Front Hong Phat

 "The new Hồng Phát Supercenter boasts a colorful range of Asian foods and a wide selection of American, Latino, Eastern European and Middle Eastern groceries. 

In 2013, Wang and Nguyen partnered up and opened a second Hồng Phát location at a former Safeway on Southeast 82nd Avenue in the Montavilla neighborhood. (That's the one I frequent) 

Having a diverse range of foods from a variety of cultures is one of the main ways independent grocers like Hong Phat differentiate themselves from the grocery behemoths like Walmart, Fred Meyer and Albertsons...." 

I'm sick of those stores and their vibe and their ubiquitous greed and culture desert. 

Shop farmers markets, small co ops, give new emporiums a chance. 

"our last member meeting on July 16th, 2024, the Board of Food Front presented our recommendation to sell the Food Front property to K-5 Urban Holdings LLC for $2.55 million.  

After discussing the specifics with the membership and reviewing subsequent member comments and feedback, the Board unanimously moved to approve the resolution and move it to a member vote." 

Food Front snail action.

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