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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Moon Voters need a Dusting

 'The Apollo program conducted six crewed moon landings between 1969 and 1972, as well as many uncrewed landings. After 1976, there were no soft landings on the moon until 2013, when China's Chang'e 3 landed.  

In January 2019, Chang'e 4 became the first spacecraft to land on the far side of the moon. In June 2024, China's robotic Chang'e 6 mission landed inside Apollo Crater on the far side of the moon" 

"The first human-made object to touch the Moon was Luna 2 in 1959 "

"moments before Neil Armstrong became the first human to step onto the surface of the Moon, at 02:56 UTC on 21 July 1969. An estimated 500 million people worldwide watched this event, the largest television audience for a live broadcast at that time." 

My earliest memory. I was two years and ten days old. We were at  a home in Dallas, maybe an apartment or condo, visiting Dallas and my grandmother.  It wasn't my Grandmas house. It could have been Ft Worth. Her sister lived there. It was momentous. I don't intend to fabricate so I'll leave it there: my first memory. 

A party around a TV and the talk certainly about space. 

Joe Biden determined to run for a second term. Why not 6 more astronauts on the Moon getting there with punch card computers 50-60 years old. 



"A total of twelve astronauts have landed on the Moon. This was accomplished with two pilot-astronauts flying a Lunar Module on each of six NASA missions. The missions spanned a 41-month period starting 20 July 1969, beginning with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on Apollo 11, and ending on 14 December 1972 with Gene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt on Apollo 17. Cernan was the last man to step off the lunar surface.

All Apollo lunar missions had a third crew member who remained on board the command module."

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