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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Halo Twigs


What world have we created 

The place that conforms us to what we swallow as bad news 

Are your eggs runny or rubbery 

That's how we overlook mass shooting 

Not the reverse 

Breeding scepticism and hatching cynicism and gathering dung for the garden 

It burns, this world 

Instead of dashing water to extinguish

Take an antacid or mediate with running away to a sitcom 

The shit pile in the garden however 

Has tunneled to china 

Straight thru hell the news kept going gathering momentum 

The trees fell in, along with the rivers, the ocean once so large couldn't quench the void, news at six 

There is a halo however

From what seems a devouring industry of hate fed on hate watered by violence fertilized with money 

A cool mist that harbors what's left 

Bird songs, bird chatter, entire bird species, bird habitat, bird poems and their sightings and itinerary 

Focus away from the square

Glass screen away from the bigger hate projectors and bundled distraction contraptions 

The eggs are speckled in hidden nests 

Made of twigs leaf they last awhile and go back to soil 

It fills in the void if we let it 

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