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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Counter-Revolutionary Violence: Bloodbaths in Fact & Propaganda

"Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media is a 1988 book by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky.  

It argues that the mass communication media of the U.S. "are effective and powerful ideological institutions that carry out a  

system-supportive propaganda function,             

by reliance on 

 market forces,  

internalized assumptions,  

and self-censorship,  

and without overt coercion", by means of the propaganda model of communication.". 


"is a wailing ode, song, hymn or poem of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person.  

The term originates from the Greek word θρηνῳδία (threnoidia), from θρῆνος (threnos, "wailing") and ᾠδή (oide, "ode"), 

the latter ultimately from the Proto-Indo-European root  

*h₂weyd- ("to sing")  

that is also the precursor of such words as "ode", "tragedy", "comedy", "parody", "melody" and "rhapsody"." 

"The police are down there running around on the ground,” Smith said. “We’re like, ‘Hey man, there’s a guy on the roof with a rifle.’  

And the police were like ‘Huh? What?’ like they didn’t know what was going on.” 

"Butler County Sheriff Michael T. Slupe told The Post that one local police officer did confront Crooks before the shooting.  "

"The officer hoisted himself up on the roof to check on reports of a suspicious man, Slupe said. But the officer, who was not able to access a gun because he was gripping the edge of the roof, had to drop down when the shooter aimed his weapon at him, the sheriff said."

He lets go because he doesn’t want to get killed,” Slupe said. The shooter then began firing at the rally site, the sheriff said. 

"Bellis said there was no easy way to access the roof of Agr’s building. “If they were on the roof they’d need a ladder,”  

"he said soon after the shooting Saturday. Aerial video footage from after the event showed a ladder 

 propped against the building that evening.  

It is not clear when it was placed there' "

protecting the former President? A sworn officer was scared for his own safety? What is this, Uvalde?  


"Chomsky credits the impetus of Manufacturing Consent to Alex Carey, the  

Australian social psychologist, to whom the book is dedicated. The book was greatly inspired by Herman's earlier financial research. "


(Tenacious D Australian tour date postponed after comment about Trump shooting  

"Babet, a United Australia party senator, demanded the federal government deport the band after Gass appeared to joke about Donald Trump’s attempted assassination at a Sydney concert on Sunday.

Video from the event showed Gass being presented with a birthday cake and told to “make a wish” as he blew out the candles. Gass then appeared to say “don’t miss Trump next time” – just hours after the shooting at Trump’s rally " 

"Before Manufacturing Consent was published in 1988, the two authors had previously collaborated on the same subject. Their book.

 Counter-Revolutionary Violence: *Bloodbaths in Fact & Propaganda

a book about American foreign policy and the media, was published in 1973" 

"The publisher for the book, a subsidiary of Warner Communications Incorporated,  

was deliberately put out of print.

 after publishing 20,000 copies of the book,  

most of which were destroyed, so the book was not widely known."  

"According to Herman, the propaganda model described in the book was originally his idea, tracing it back to his 1981 book 

 Corporate Control, Corporate Power.  " 

"Especially where the issues involve substantial U.S. economic and political interests and relationships with friendly or hostile states,  

 the mass media usually function much in the manner of  

 state propaganda agencies."

"The propaganda model for the manufacture of public consent describes five editorially distorting filters, which are said to affect reporting of news in mass communications media. These five filters of editorial bias are: 

'Size, ownership, and profit orientation: The dominant mass-media are large profit-based operations, and therefore they must cater to the financial interests of the owners such as corporations and controlling investors. The size of a media company is a consequence of the investment capital required for the mass-communications technology required to reach a mass audience of viewers, listeners, and readers."

'The advertising license to do business: Since the majority of the revenue of major media outlets derives from advertising (not from sales or subscriptions), advertisers have acquired a "de facto licensing authority".Media outlets are not commercially viable without the support of advertisers. News media must therefore cater to the political prejudices and economic desires of their advertisers. This has weakened the working class press, for example, and also helps explain the attrition in the number of newspapers."

"Sourcing mass media news: Herman and Chomsky argue that "the large bureaucracies of the powerful subsidize the mass media, and gain special access [to the news], by their contribution to reducing the media's costs of acquiring [...] and producing, news. The large entities that provide this subsidy become 'routine' news sources and have privileged access to the gates. Non-routine sources must struggle for access, and may be ignored by the arbitrary decision of the gatekeepers." Editorial distortion is aggravated by the news media's dependence upon private and governmental news sources. If a given newspaper, television station, magazine, etc., incurs disfavor from the sources, it is subtly excluded from access to information. A news organisation loses readers or viewers, and ultimately, advertisers. To minimize such financial danger, news media businesses editorially distort their reporting to favor government and corporate policies to stay in business."

'Flak and the enforcers: "Flak" refers to negative responses to a media statement or program (e.g. letters, complaints, lawsuits, or legislative actions). Flak can be expensive to the media, either due to loss of advertising revenue, or due to the costs of legal defense or defense of the media outlet's public image. Flak can be organized by powerful, private influence groups (e.g. think tanks). The prospect of eliciting flak can be a deterrent to the reporting of certain kinds of facts or opinions"

"Anti-communism: This filter concerns the spectre of a common enemy which can be used to marginalize dissent: "This ideology helps mobilize the populace against an enemy, and because the concept is fuzzy it can be used against anybody advocating policies that threaten [dominant] interests". Anti-communism was included as a filter in the original 1988 edition of the book, but Chomsky argues that since the end of the Cold War (1945–91) anticommunism was replaced by the "war on terror" as the major social control mechanism. "

Musk plans to give $45 million a month to new pro-Trump PAC, Wall Street Journal reports...and Ladders. 

"In 2006, Fatih Tas, owner of the Aram editorial house, along with two editors and the translator of the revised, 2001 edition of Manufacturing Consent were  

 prosecuted by the Turkish government for "stirring hatred among the public"  

(per Article 216 of the Turkish Penal Code) and for "denigrating the national identity" of Turkey (per Article 301).  

The reason cited was that the introduction to this edition addresses the 1990s' Turkish news media reportage of governmental suppression of the Kurdish populace" 

Kurds, Aborigine, Indigenous American Indian, the Hopi uses ladders. 



Corporate Power, Corporate Rule 

"Born to Ashkenazi Jewish immigrants in Philadelphia, Chomsky developed an early interest in anarchism from alternative bookstores in New York City. He studied at the University of Pennsylvania. During his postgraduate work in the Harvard Society of Fellows, Chomsky developed the theory of transformational grammar for which he earned his doctorate in 1955. That year he began teaching at MIT, and in 1957 emerged as a significant figure in linguistics with his landmark work Syntactic Structures, which played a major role in remodeling the study of language" 


Counter-Revolutionary Violence: Bloodbaths in Fact & Propaganda 

 is a 1973 book by Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman, with a preface by Richard A. Falk.  

It presented the thesis that the "United States, in attempting to suppress revolutionary movements in underdeveloped countries, had become the leading source of violence against native people". 

Chomsky and Herman introduced a framework in  

Counter-Revolutionary Violence (CRV)  

that became a hallmark of their work, which classified bloodbaths (and terrorist activities) in these categories of Washington, D.C., and the media's regard:

Benign: East Pakistan in 1971, Burundi in 1972;

Constructive: Indonesia in 1965–1966; France in Vietnam, 1950s; Diem regime in Vietnam, 1950s; the United States in Vietnam, 1960s; the United States in the Philippines, periodically from 1898 to when CRV was printed in 1973; the United States in Cambodia from the Lon Nol coup in 1970 to when CRV was printed in 1973;

Nefarious: Vietnamese revolutionary, 1950s and 1960s;

Mythical: North Vietnamese land reform in the 1950s; North Vietnamese in Huế in 1968. 

Chomsky and Herman argued that the American treatment of bloodbaths 

 was related to their political utility,

 regardless of the objective facts of such murders.  

Benign bloodbaths were those in which the United States' political establishment had little strategic interest and were often committed by friendly nations (and the United States regularly supplied the regimes committing the murders), 

 constructive bloodbaths had strongly favorable results for American (primarily corporate) interests, 

 nefarious bloodbaths were conducted by official enemies, .

and mythical bloodbaths either never happened or were minor events inflated into legendary status by government and media exaggeration."

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