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Thursday, July 18, 2024

1976 280 Z


The first car I owned, a 1976 280Z  2+2 Datsun 

Parked along our driveway at home  

I paid half cash and had a bank loan for the balance owed 

It was $3000, I was 17, I chose it with my dad the summer before starting my senior year 

I had it for two years, maybe a little more 

I bought a couple tires for it, put a nice cd player in it, when that was new technology

I lived  5 miles outside town so lots of driving to school, running around, a couple drives to Dallas 

Low to the ground sports car 

I don't remember anyone else in high school with the same model 

Does it look fast, it was, very 

A sexy car sure when's the last time you saw one on the street today 

They're collector pieces or crushed long ago in junk yards 

It doesn't look like a dinosaur but maybe a shark 

Fuel injectors. That was the last straw 

I drove it my freshman year and then sold it for a Honda hatchback 

Off to Kansas to KU back and forth back and forth up 177 and the turnpike through the tall grass prairie 

Not totally impractical 

That driving and trips and mileage tripping and college   


"US oil company ran 1977 article predicting climate crisis could cause starvation

Marathon Petroleum predecessor warned of potential for ‘social and economic calamities’ in decades-old publication 

I’m not surprised that Marathon would have documents that shed light on its awareness” of climate change, said Bryant Sewell, senior research analyst at the shareholder advocacy group Majority Action. “Whether it’s Marathon, Exxon or electric utilities, we have seen a longstanding strategy from these companies of  

climate denial, disinformation and delay.”

Marathon Petroleum was spun off from Marathon Oil as a standalone refining company in 2011. It didn’t respond to questions from the Guardian. Nor did Marathon Oil, which was recently acquired by ConocoPhillips.  "

"The federal government announced a $241.5 million settlement with Marathon Oil on Thursday for alleged air quality violations at the company’s oil and gas operations in the Forth Berthold Indian Reservation in North Dakota.

The Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Justice said the settlement requires Marathon to reduce climate- and health-harming emissions from those facilities and will result in over 

 2.3 millions tons worth of pollution reduction.

“This historic settlement — the largest ever civil penalty for violations of the Clean Air Act at stationary sources — 

 will ensure cleaner air for the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation and other communities in North Dakota, while holding Marathon accountable for its illegal pollution,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland.

"Marathon Oil began as "The Ohio Oil Company" in 1887. 

 In 1889, the company was purchased by John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil. 

 It remained a part of Standard Oil until Standard Oil was broken up in 1911. In 1930, The Ohio Oil Company bought the Transcontinental Oil Company and established the "Marathon" brand name. "

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