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Friday, July 12, 2024

Fascist Crypto Mob Human Lego

 He settled in the Denver area where 

he was friends with members of the family of John Hinckley Jr.,  

who shot President Reagan 

Son of George HW Bush Was Paid $300K to Meet OneCoin 'CryptoQueen'

Anita Dunn, a senior adviser to President Biden, met with dozens of crypto leaders in her personal capacity on Wednesday at a roundtable organized by crypto-friendly Democratic Rep. Ro Khanna (Calif.).   

Bitcoin's water footprint has increased 278% since 2020, and some say this could make existing droughts worse. 

each Bitcoin transaction uses 16,000 liters of water, which is enough to fill a swimming pool.  

This is 6.2 million times more water than a credit card transaction, 

 which uses about 2.6 milliliters. "

" Mowbray has said that he had received a phone call 

from Washington” requesting the Silverado delay.  

He claims that he cannot remember who called. "

Khanna was also joined by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Joe Neguse (D-Colo.), as well as billionaire Mark Cuban, who has backed Biden’s bid for reelection but has also criticized his administration’s approach to crypto.  

(Bent over a barrel Biden.) 

bringing together something like 30 or maybe more industry leaders to have a chance to engage directly with Ms. Dunn and, by extension, the White House,” said Paul Grewal, chief legal officer for the popular crypto exchange Coinbase.  

Grewal described the meeting as a “make-or-break moment” for the Biden administration to turn around its “almost uniformly hostile posture” toward crypto, as Republicans and former President Trump embrace the money laundering status quo. 

The GOP released its official platform Monday ahead of next week’s Republican National Convention, arguing that the party will ease restrictions on emerging industries like crypto and artificial intelligence (AI). 

“Republicans will end Democrats’ unlawful and unAmerican Crypto crackdown and oppose the creation of a Central Bank Digital Currency,” the platform reads 

the platform reads. “We will defend the right to mine bitcoin, and 

 ensure every American  

has the right to self-custody of their Digital Assets,  

and transact free from Government Surveillance and Control.”  

It’s no wonder the GOP has announced a pro-crypto stance,” he continued. 

 “Gensler will go down as the Luddite of his time. 

 Words are easy, action is hard but necessary. Choose wisely. Voters are paying attention.”   

In May, 71 House Democrats joined most Republicans to pass the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act (FIT 21), which laid out a new framework for crypto regulation between the SEC and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).    

However, Biden did veto a House resolution that sought to undo an SEC crypto rule.  

More than 20 Democrats, including Khanna, supported an unsuccessful attempt to override the president’s veto on Thursday. " 

Son of George HW Bush Was Paid $300K to Meet OneCoin 'CryptoQueen'


Neil Bush--the brother of former President George W. Bush  

and son of the late President George H.W. Bush--met with 

 Ruja Ignatova, the “CryptoQueen”  

who masterminded the scam. Ignatova, who is at large, has been indicted on money laundering and fraud charges.

Citing transcripts of the case, Law360reported that Neil Bush,  

who is an investor, was paid $300,000 to attend a meeting where Ignatova was present.  

Scott and his attorney, Arlo Devlin-Brown, have made the argument to US District Judge Edgardo Ramos that Bush’s association with the project made Scott feel as though it was legitimate." 

Law360 reported that Neil Bush was contacted by the FBI because of the fact that he is on the board of Hoifu Energy, a company owned by wealthy Chinese businessman Dr. Hui Chi Ming.

Ming was allegedly at the center of a $60 million deal that would have provided a loan to buy an African oil field, a deal that would be financed with cash and "a very large portion of the purchase price" in OneCoin. 

Garvin then read aloud from an FBI report that “Bush recalled that the head of Hoifu Energy, Dr. Hui Chi Ming, received a bunch of cryptocurrency for an oil deal in Madagascar."

"Bush had a residual interest in the cryptocurrency from the oil deal. Bush 

"As a director of a failing thrift, Neil Bush voted to approve $100 million in what were ultimately bad loans 

to two of his business partners. .

And in voting for the loans, he failed to inform fellow board members at  

Silverado Savings & Loan that the loan applicants were his business partners."  

Silverado collapse cost taxpayers $1 billion

Running with A Bad Crowd: Neil Bush & the $1 billion Silverado debacle 

Silverado was the victim of sophisticated schemes and abuses by insiders and of gross negligence by its directors and outside professionals,” said Douglas Jones, the FDIC’s senior deputy general counsel. In the Denver hearing this week, the Office of Thrift Supervision aims to persuade an administrative-law judge that 

 Bush should be banned in effect  

from ever again serving on the board of a financial institution. Bush 

the possible impact of political contributions in delaying crackdowns by regulators, even the deceptive lure of junk bonds and their king, Michael Milken. 

 It is not a case history of nice guys being caught innocently in an oil bust, as the defunct thrift’s managers often claim. .

It is a study in greed, deceit and profiteering. 

regulator)) Kermit Mowbray,  

head of the Home Loan Bank Board in Topeka,  

and everybody figured he was being groomed to become president of the U.S. League of Savings and Loan Institutions.” 

Wise served two terms on the board of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka 

, which regulates thrifts in the region.  

He even served as chairman of the regulatory policy committee for the U.S. League, the most influential S&L lobbying group.  

Openly, the League poured millions of dollars into political campaigns through its PAC. Says Edwin Gray, former chairman of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board: “I don’t think it would be stretching it to say Wise controlled S&L policy and the way the industry developed.” 

The energy boom of the late 1970s and early ’80s provided Silverado with plenty of opportunities for long-shot ventures with big returns.  

“It was a real Western boom that made the gold and silver days look pale by comparison,” remembers Jim Thomas, executive director of Colorado’s Independent Bankers Association. 

 “We attracted all the con men, promoters, hucksters and sleaze artists in sight.” 

He reinforced his clout with hefty political contributions to local, state and national politicians.  

In 1986 he was host at a luncheon attended by President Reagan and raised $1 million for the Republican Party. 

Bush joined the board, despite his acknowledged lack of experience. “I think I was picked because of my background in oil and gas,” Bush said later. 

It was like Silverado was telling M.D.C., ‘I’m going to trade you my dead cow for your dead horse.’ ” 

Good donated at least $100,000 to the Republican Party in 1988 after defaulting on his huge Silverado loans.  

“Good walked away from tens of millions of dollars in financial obligations, leaving taxpayers to clean up the mess, but he could find $100,000 to buy influence with the Bush Administration,”  

so they could take advantage of a state law under which corporate boards can exempt themselves from personal liability if they are found to have breached their fiduciary duties. 

Bush glibly announced that he was resigning because his father had been nominated as the Republican presidential candidate. On Oct. 24 the Colorado regulators notified their federal counterparts in Topeka that the hemorrhaging Silverado would be shut down at the end of the month.

Inexplicably, Washington officials declined to go along. Mowbray’s Topeka office relayed a message back to the Colorado regulators: hold off for a while. .

The day after George Bush was elected,  

the Topeka office started proceedings to shut down Silverado.  

The glaring coincidence has never been officially explained. 

 Mowbray has said that he had received a phone call 

from Washington” requesting the Silverado delay.  

He claims that he cannot remember who called. "

He settled in the Denver area where 

 he was friends with members of the family of John Hinckley Jr.,  

who shot President Reagan.

Bush was a member of the board of directors of Denver-based Silverado Savings and Loan from 1985 to 1988 during the S&L crisis of the 1980s. 

 Since his father George H. W. Bush was Vice President of the United States, his role in Silverado's failure was a focal point of publicity. 

Bush's relationship with the late controversial oligarch Boris Berezovsky, a political enemy of Russian President Vladimir Putin who at the time of his death had been under indictment for fraud in Russia and an applicant for asylum in the United Kingdom,has been noted in the media. Berezovsky, who died in 2013, had been an investor in Bush's Ignite! program  

As of October 2006, over 13 US school districts (out of over 14,000 school districts nationwide[18]) have used federal funds made available through the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 to buy Ignite's portable learning centers at $3,800 apiece.

A December 2003 Style section article in The Washington Post reported that Bush's salary from Ignite! was $180,000 per year  

In July 1999, Bush made at least $798,000 on three stock trades in a single day of a company where he had been employed as a consultant. The company, Kopin Corporation of Taunton, Massachusetts, announced on the same day good news about a new Asian client that sent its stock value soaring 

Bush stated that he had no inside knowledge and that his financial advisor had recommended the trades. He said, "any increase in the price of the stock on that day was purely coincidental, meaning that I did not have any improper information." 

Bush frequently travels to the Middle East, Europe and Asia to negotiate deals and raise capital for various businesses. According to court filings from his divorce, in 2000 he was paid $1.3 million for such work. This includes $642,500 as a commission for introducing an Asian investor to the owners of an American high-tech company. 

In 2002, Bush signed a consulting contract that paid $2 million in stock over five years to work for  

Grace Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp., a firm backed by Jiang Mianheng,  

the son of former Chinese President Jiang Zemin, plus 

 $10,000 for every board meeting he attends.

Bush serves as co-chairman of a company called Crest Investment. Crest pays him $60,000 a year to provide miscellaneous consulting services.

In 2001, Neil Bush incorporated an investment firm called LehmanBush with veteran China lawyer Edward Lehman."


Hong Kong my ass. 

"Bush's divorce deposition gained public attention when he admitted to 

 several sexual encounters 

 in Thailand and Hong Kong." 

He encountered sex?  


The environmental effects of bitcoin are significant. Bitcoin mining, the process by which bitcoins are created and transactions are finalized, is energy-consuming and results in carbon emissions, as about half of the electricity used is generated through fossil fuels 

As of 2022, a non-peer-reviewed study by the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF) estimated that bitcoin consumed 95.5 TWh (344 PJ) annually, representing 

 0.4% of the world's electricity consumption,  

ranking bitcoin mining between 

 Belgium and the Netherlands in terms of electricity consumption 

Until 2021, most bitcoin mining was done in China. 

According to a 2023 non-peer-reviewed commentary, bitcoin's water footprint reached 

 1,600 gigalitres (5.7×1010 cu ft) in 2021, due to direct water consumption  

on site and indirect consumption from electricity generation 

gigalitre (plural gigalitres)

A unit of volume equivalent to 10 x10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 litres 

 (one billion [British billion] liters). 

 October 2022, due to the global energy crisis, the European Commission 

 invited member states 

 to lower the electricity consumption of crypto-asset miners and end tax breaks and other incentives benefiting them. 


"0.4% of the world's electricity consumption,  

ranking bitcoin mining between 

 Belgium and the Netherlands in terms of electricity consumption "

Legos, how much energy makes a Human Lego?  

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