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Friday, July 12, 2024


" each Bitcoin transaction uses 16,000 liters of water,  

which is enough to fill a swimming pool.  

This is 6.2 million times more water than a credit card transaction, 

 which uses about 2.6 milliliters. " 

Light the fireworks we're rich 

Just light them over inflammable waters patrolled by tern and the Philippines Navy 

There's no oil sheen or plastic island of floating microplastic ready to charbroil the entangled whale there 

A floating mass larger than Texas 

Holy Fascist Mass jail the free choice 

Get yours only 1.99 while water supplies last 

Moon water means we can frack Bitcoin on the moon 

If the flag is waving with no wind 

Don't notice if you're thirsty if your fish is thirsty give it Coors and sparkling Alzheimer  

Take a spell or resiling or tun 

Of blood drain it mine it filter out the piss good with tang for Jeff bezos in a cowboy hat 

Shitting on Shatner  

Light the thrusters were planting spuds in Oligarch wombs 

Test tube genetics sea monkeys DNA and Noah's ark fundamenalists 

Don't spill the hydrogen the barge caught on fire shooting fireworks over the EPA good uterus superfund amniotic fertility implosion 

Climb in board the floating plastic mass 

Gather the water wampum in the moon beads 

You're not just genocidal crazy but holocaust hawks 

Every bit count,

 Count Dracula.   16 thousand liters. 

"Gewurztraminer is an aromatic white wine grape variety. It is often described as having a heady, blossomy, floral, perfumed aroma, reminiscent of lychees, roses, talcum powder, candied orange rind or Turkish Delight." 

"The Olympic sized pool is 165 feet long by 56 feet wide (8 lap lanes, each 7 feet wide).  

It holds 490,000 gallons (almost 1/2 million gallons)" 

"Biodiversity, or the variety of all living things on our planet, has been declining at an alarming rate in recent years, mainly due to human activities, such as land use changes, pollution and climate change." 

"The planet has experienced five previous mass extinction events, the last one occurring 

 65.5 million years ago  

which wiped out the dinosaurs from existence. Experts now believe we're in the midst of a sixth mass extinction." 

"According to the Phillips Petroleum Company Museum in Bartlesville, the “Phillips 66” name for the gasoline came about by a combination of events. 

 The specific gravity of the gasoline was close to 66; the car testing the fuel did 66 miles per hour; and, the test took place on US Route 66.  

So, the naming committee unanimously voted for “Phillips 666"  

Out of balance.

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