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Thursday, July 11, 2024

no biology in high school to fiddle

 Skull and crossbones blot god dirt 

I got off a viking boat

The blood tribe red head that's my ma 

Witch ever split rock worm you see as flaw 

Wild strawberry cultivated it's simply buried

Like Geronimo skull neath the berries 

Dusty on a flight manual  shelf in His library 

My pet goet is a reliquary 

Fool me once I'll take the planetree 

Rip out shrub Dunn on me knees 

Asphalt gone the heat sink empties 

Cooler 9 degrees in my cemetery 

You want a noggin to ouji christ 

Pathetic cokehead gringo gotta vice 

Rove or Cheney or boren or gates 

Plant first a grove of sycamore hate 

Sick of more sic more Portland cement 

Beryl by harrp kinda relent 

Gotta pay father nature rent

Grace exhumed any good spent 

We dug up the dirt handsy ass grabber 

We every bird in the bush opium planners 

Afghanistan Taliban in Houston stand out 

Bury Geronimo next to ann huchinsons clout 

Woman hating fly boy and jeb and Neal 

Some from Topeka Silverado steal 

At least I wasn't buried with Gump for for your treasure 

Weighed it gram by ounce by wampum measure 

Law didn't get me her acid source Lilly 

Eli nor celgene nor chemistry silly 

I got no biology in high school to fiddle 

That's why today I violin riddle 

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