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Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Inhofe Hell

 James Inhofe, former Republican senator who called climate change a ‘hoax’, dies aged 89

The Oklahoman brought a snowball to the Senate floor in 2015 to prove humans couldn’t change the climate 


he called the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) a “Gestapo bureaucracy” 


Champlin Oil says fuck you Inhofe. 

Rot in hot waterless Hell.   


His widely ridiculed snowball stunt came in 2015, during a rambling speech during which he claimed 

 climate conditions on Earth were the work of a supreme being, 

 and attempted to discredit a Nasa report that found that 2014 was the hottest year recorded globally to date.

“My point is, God’s still up there,” Inhofe said during a 2012 interview during promotion for his book focusing on global warming as “a conspiracy”.

between 1989 and 2022, Inhofe received campaign donations worth almost $4m from energy producers. "

Following the scandal over US service members photographed abusing prisoners at Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison in 2004, Inhofe said he “ 

was more outraged at the outrage” 

 than the torture of the inmates." 

Inhofe was born on 17 November 1934 in Tulsa, Oklahoma,  

a city he served as mayor from 1978 to 1984. 

No wonder Citgo went to Venezuela. 

Stinking Satan While Giuliani BraceWell also represented Citgo pdvsa Hugo chavez. 

OPEC Russian Mafia.   


His career in Washington DC began in 1986 as a US congressman for Oklahoma’s first district, and he won re-election three times before stepping up to the Senate in 1994 when Republican incumbent David Boren became president of the University of Oklahoma. 

Jesus wept. 


As a teenager, he would "hire Indians to pick wild blackberries" and then sell them in his neighborhood. 

Inhofe received a B.A. in economics from the University of Tulsa in 1973. 

 Until his 1994 campaign for the U.S. Senate, his official biographies and news articles about him indicated that he had graduated in 1959. 

Inhofe initially denied the stories that uncovered the discrepancy, but later acknowledged them.  

Half educated richboy plantation boss. 

Inhofe was ranked the most conservative member of Congress on the 2017 GovTrack report card.[144] He received the same ranking for 2018.[145] For 2019, he was ranked as the fifth-most conservative member of the U.S. Senate with a score of 0.91 out of 1, behind Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Mike Braun (R-IN), and Ted Cruz (R-TX) 

Rest in Peace. 


"Hamm has thrown his full weight behind Mitt Romney, speaking out on his behalf and hosting a $1,000-a-plate fundraiser for him in Oklahoma City. 

 (As of September, the fossil fuel industry had given Romney and his super-PAC some $14 million.) In return, the candidate became a full-throated cheerleader for oil and gas interests. 

 “My view is that we don’t know what’s causing climate change on this planet,” Romney said during the primaries. “.

 Equal Disregard. 

Fascist Oklahoma lives Fat

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