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Monday, July 15, 2024

Blading Christ Pizzatainment

 "In addition to the conviction in Manhattan, Trump faces 57 more felony counts across one state court and two different federal districts, any of which could potentially produce a prison sentence.  

He also lost a civil suit in New York that could hobble his business empire, as well as a pair of large defamation judgments. "

Dumbo don't forget.  

"In professional wrestling, blading is the practice of intentionally cutting oneself to provoke bleeding. 

It is also known as "juicing", "gigging", or "getting color" 

"Justice Arthur Engoron ruled on February 16 that Trump must pay $355 million plus interest, the calculated size of his ill-gotten gains from fraud.  "

"May 2023, a jury concluded that Trump had sexually assaulted and defamed Carroll, and awarded her $5 million. A second defamation case produced an $83.3 million judgment in January 2024. "

"the former president falsified business records as part of a scheme to pay hush money to women who said they’d had sexual relationships with Trump. (His two impeachments were also for efforts to undermine the electoral process "

"U.S. Justice Department, has charged Trump with 37 felonies in connection with his removal of documents from the White House when he left office. The charges include willful retention of national-security information, obstruction of justice, withholding of documents, and false statements. Trump took boxes of documents to properties, where they were stored haphazardly, but the indictment centers on his refusal to give them back to the government despite repeated requests. "

"a huge racketeering case against Trump and 18 others, alleging a conspiracy that spread across weeks and states with the aim of stealing the 2020 election. Willis obtained the indictment in August 2023. The number of people charged makes the case unwieldy and difficult to track. Several of them, including Kenneth Chesebro, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis, struck plea deals in the fall. "

"Special Counsel Smith has also charged Trump with four federal felonies in connection with his attempt to remain in power after losing the 2020 election. This case is in court in Washington, D.C. "

"In more than 30 states, cases were filed over whether Trump should be thrown off the 2024 ballot under a novel legal theory about the Fourteenth Amendment the former president is ineligible to serve again under a clause that disqualifies anyone who took an oath defending the Constitution and then subsequently participated in a rebellion or an insurrection. " 


In professional wrestling, 


is the practice of intentionally cutting oneself to provoke bleeding. 

 It is also known as "juicing", "gigging", or "getting color

"The act is usually done a good length into the match, as the blood will mix with the flowing sweat on a wrestler's brow to make it look like much more blood is flowing from the wound than there actually is. "

"One infamous instance involved Nick Gage cutting Chris Jericho's forehead with a pizza cutter during a picture-in-picture advertisement that coincidentally was promoting Domino's Pizza at the same time."


"Old English blōd, of Germanic origin; related to German Blut and Dutch bloed . " 

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