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Thursday, July 25, 2024

John Bellinger Bellingham Pegasus


"one of Israel’s US-based lawyers, 

 John Bellinger,  

a former senior national security lawyer in the George W Bush administration 

 and now a partner at Arnold & Porter, appears to have told Rosenstein that Israel 

 was “acutely focused on the discovery dangers and is still considering its options”.  

"Three days later, in mid-July 2020, Israel made a significant but secret intervention. At an urgent meeting with NSO, Israeli officials presented the company with an order issued by a Tel Aviv court granting the government powers to execute a search warrant at its office, access its internal computer systems and seize files."

'Scott Horton, a US lawyer and adjunct professor at Columbia Law School, said these were “strange procedures to be taking in relation to a private entity”, 

 suggesting NSO was in fact an “integral part of the Israeli defence establishment  

and they are trying to shield [this] from public discovery”. 

'"Get in touch

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"spokesperson for NSO said that “as a law-abiding company” it is above Laws just look at war criminal Netanyahu and the IJC determination of Gaza and Israeli Genocide. 

Kashoggi.  Dude abides. 


"he served as the principal lawyer for National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice and the NSC staff. He was in the White House Situation Room on 9/11 and later was the primary lawyer for the White House in dealing with the 9/11 Commission. He was one of the drafters of the legislation that created the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. 

Bellinger was part of a group of Bush administration officials who advocated for minimum standards of treatment for detainees, protections for detainees prosecuted by military commissions, and the closure of the detention center at Guantanamo Bay. 


2008, Bellinger represented the United States before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in a case filed by Mexico after the Supreme Court in Medellin v Texas invalidated President Bush's February 2005 order directing courts in Texas and other states to comply with the ICJ's 2004 order in Case Concerning Avena and Other Mexican Nationals that the United States review the convictions and death sentences of a group of  

Mexican nationals who had not been notified of their right to consular access  

under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.  

2013, Bellinger was a signatory to an amicus curiae brief submitted to the Supreme Court by a group of former Republican officials in support of same-sex marriage in Hollingsworth v. Perry.

In 2016 Bellinger drafted the "50 G.O.P. Officials Warn Donald Trump Would Put Nation's Security 'at Risk'" letter. 

August 2020, Bellinger was one of 70 former senior security officials who took out a full-page ad in the Wall Street Journal, saying they would vote for Joe Biden as president.

In 2020, Bellinger, along with over 130 other former Republican national security officials, signed a statement that asserted that President Trump was unfit to serve another term, and "To that end, we are firmly convinced that it is in the best interest of our nation that Vice President Joe Biden be elected as the next President of the United States, and we will vote for him." 

Buy the right tool. JAG's JAG. 

And he butters Biden, oops. 

special assistant to  

Director of Central Intelligence William Webster (1988–1991).  

'becoming director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 1978 to 1987 and director of Central Intelligence (CIA) from 1987 to 1991. "becoming 

 director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 1978 to 1987  

and director of Central Intelligence (CIA) from 1987 to 1991. 

 He is the only person to have held both positions.

 He is the only person to have held both positions."  

'Director of Central Intelligence (1987–1991)

In 1987, President Ronald Reagan chose him to be director of the Central Intelligence Agency. He led the CIA until his retirement from public office in 1991. Since" 

Iran Contra special assistant 

Silverado special assistant 

Bob Dole Kansas 

W.Webster Missouri

Harry Truman, Missouri

Eisenhower, Kansas 

Bob Gates, Wichita Kansas  

David Boren, Oklahoma 

Etc etc.

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