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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Luke egg mayo again, again, again , again, a grin


"As the elected official charged with managing the jail, I believe we need to utilize the corrections system.

 as a place for people who pose a genuine danger to the public, and !

that does not include individuals 

 whose only offense is living unsheltered,” Sheriff Morrisey O’Donnell wrote." 

"If a person accepts offers of shelter, they will not be cited, according to the ordinance.  

According to Benner, officers told the man of these options and he said he refused to go to a tiny home and would rather be arrested."  


"Portland mayor tells police to cite people for public camping — even if they won't go to jail" 

Wheeler can go to Hell 

Even if it's  a country club with Luke warm egg salad sandwiches to eat three meals a day into forever.


'As of 2020, the average cost per day to house an inmate in Multnomah County Jail was $160." 

Plus pay a Public Defender Attorney.

Then figure in costs for Prosecution. 

Pay for Police witnesses to testify. 

$500 per day . 

A mood of satisfaction teeter totter Weapons Profiteers, Religious Asses


Shlomo Karhi, minister of communications, wrote on X: “Yes, all your enemies will perish, O God”, although it later appeared to have been deleted. 

The heritage minister, Amichay Eliyahu, celebrated his killing, writing on X: “Haniyeh’s death makes the world a little better” and that this is the “right way to clean the world from this filth”.  

Amichai Chikli, minister of diaspora affairs and combating antisemitism, posted a video of the Hamas leader on X with the caption “Careful What You Wish For”.  

"Seventy-four people were injured in the strike, mostly from windows and debris from surrounding buildings.  

 Four were killed, including two children" 

Collateral Wish Orgy  

"If you hit us, we will hit you. If you want to widen [the conflict], then we will widen it.  

Whatever Sayed Nasrallah says, we are ready for it. 

 Even if they asked us women for the Jihad, we will go fight,” Joumana added."


"The news agency reports that in much of Israel   

"7 million pounds of hams, bologna, bacon, sausage and frankfurters" Voted Republican. " 

there was a mood of satisfaction,   

a day after Israel’s military said it killed one of the most senior leaders of Iranian-backed Hezbollah in Beirut "


"Malaysian prime minister Anwar Ibrahim said he condemned “in the strongest possible terms” the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh " 

"Religion (2020)

63.5% Sunni Islam (official)

18.7% Buddhism

9.1% Christianity

6.1% Hinduism

0.9% other

1.8% unknown" but Never Atheist eh? 

"Peninsular Malaysia shares a land and maritime border with Thailand  

and maritime borders with Singapore, Vietnam, and Indonesia.  

East Malaysia shares land and maritime borders with Brunei and Indonesia, as well as a maritime border with the Philippines and Vietnam." 

Assassination violates Sovereignty 

Another War Crime 

International Court of Justice V. Israel, USA (weapons, oil, food Profiteers) 

'While recognising Islam as the official religion, the constitution grants freedom of religion to non-Muslims. 

 "The government is modelled on the Westminster parliamentary system, and the legal system is based on common law. The head of state is an elected monarch, chosen from among the nine state sultans every five years. The head of government is the prime minister.

After independence, the gross domestic product (GDP) grew at an average rate of 6.5% per year for 50 years. 

The country's economy has traditionally been driven by its natural resources but is expanding into commerce, tourism, and medical tourism. The country has a newly industrialised market economy, and it ranks very high in the Human Development Index." 


"The EU has a principled position of rejecting extrajudicial killings and of supporting the rule of law, including in international criminal justice,” Stano said, adding:  

'Evidence of modern human habitation in Malaysia dates back 40,000 years. In the Malay Peninsula, the first inhabitants are thought to be Negritos..

 Areas of Malaysia participated in the Maritime Jade Road between 2000 BC to 1000 AD. 


'In 1511, Malacca was conquered by Portugal, after which it was taken by the Dutch in 1641. In 1786, the British Empire established a presence in Malaya, when the Sultan of Kedah leased Penang Island to the British East India Company" 

"the White Rajahs over an independent kingdom until 1946, when it became a crown colony." 

"In the late 1990s, the Asian financial crisis impacted the country, nearly causing their currency, stock, and property markets to crash; however, they later recovered"

"Malaysia also has a special court to hear cases brought by or against royalty.

Race is a significant force in politics. 

Affirmative actions such as the New Economic Policy and the National Development Policy which superseded it, were implemented to advance the standing of  

the bumiputera, consisting of Malays and the indigenous tribes who are considered the original inhabitants of Malaysia,  

over non-bumiputera such as Malaysian Chinese and Malaysian Indians. 

These policies provide preferential treatment to bumiputera in employment, education, scholarships, business, and access to cheaper housing and assisted savings.  

However, it has generated greater interethnic resentment "


"The message was that Israel can strike anyone, anywhere — '  

"The California governor, Gavin Newsom, thanked his Texas counterpart, Gregg Abbott, on Tuesday for sending more than two dozen fire engines to help combat the Park fire this week."

"Since the war began, American peacemaking has been like Zeno’s paradoxes, where each step takes you halfway closer to the goal, but you never reach it."  

'California lawsuit says oil giants deceived public on climate, seeks funds for storm damage"

Whole Foods Lead Cadmium Truffle

  "And I drill. Drill, baby, drill. I bring energy way down. I bring interest rates down. I bring inflation way down. So people can buy bacon again, so people can buy a ham sandwich again, so that people can go to a restaurant and afford it because right now people can’t buy food." 

Chocolate and cocoa are safe to eat and can be enjoyed as treats as they have been for centuries. 

How do you think Jeff Bezos found all the Easter Eggs in North America before the other kids? 

How did Jeff outrun astronauts and leap over safety regulators and raze the Amazon rainforest and squash his workers into Union paste: toxic chocolate in cadmium wrappers. 

How did dumbing us down Never Elect Trump but made some chocolate lovers question science, polls, facts, ethics, reality, and social darwinism porn: lust for cheap. Cheap, and gritty with Lead. 

Nascar and Exxon and Chevron and Standard Oil can't eat Lead the way Mexican house painters eat Lead while scrapping yesterdays cottage down to the wood. Bezos got to put the Lead some where. Why not in your children and their jolly food? Who'll notice, well fire them and jail their extended family. 

Bezos will ship the Lead and Cadmium sweets to your door, don't answer when they knock. Lead gets out the knocks. Stay on the couch, order more. Order more Trump Nazi Chocolate, wash it into your genes for generations. You'll be Normal and Never Vote Again. 

"More than 70 dark chocolate products sold at stores such as  

Amazon, GNC and Whole Foods  

were purchased to test for toxic metal contamination, though the names of the products or manufacturers were not disclosed in the study.  

The samplings were conducted over a period of eight years from 2014 to 2022.

The study found that 43% of the products tested had exceeded 

 acceptable levels of lead contamination,  

and 35% exceeded cadmium levels, based on California legal limits for heavy metals in food" 

"Scholars also warn it would embolden Donald Trump’s authoritarian streak should he win the presidency again"  "7 million pounds of hams, bologna, bacon, sausage and frankfurters" Voted Republican. " 

Jimmy Carter says a full investigation would show Trump lost in 2016 

"I think a full investigation would show that Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016. 

 He lost the election, and he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf,”   

the former president, who served between 1977 and 1981, said at a panel hosted by the Carter Center in Leesburg, Va."   

"Listeria are bacteria that can cause food-borne illness. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate  

“listeria is the third leading cause of death from food-borne illness in the United States”. 

Boar’s Head products recalled due to deadly listeria outbreak

Company ‘deeply regrets’ the news, taking 7 million pounds of deli and poultry items, including bacon and ham, off shelves"

"Deeply fears the Sues" 

"And I drill. Drill, baby, drill. I bring energy way down. 

 I bring interest rates down. I bring inflation way down. 

 So people can buy bacon again, so people can buy a ham sandwich again,  

so that people can go to a restaurant and afford it 

 because right now people can’t buy food."

Nose twister, nasturtium


Tropaeolum /trəˈpiːələm, troʊ-/, 

 commonly known as nasturtium (/nəˈstɜːrʃəm, næ-/; 

literally "nose-twister" or "nose-tweaker"), is a genus of roughly 80 species of annual and perennial herbaceous flowering plants. It was named by Carl Linnaeus in his book Species Plantarum, and is the only genus in the family Tropaeolaceae. The nasturtiums received their common name because they produce an oil similar to that of watercress (Nasturtium officinale). 

One of the hardiest species is T. polyphyllum from Chile, the perennial roots of which can survive the winter underground at elevations of 3,300 metres (11,000 ft). 

After victory in battle, the Romans erected a trophy pole (or tropaeum, from the Greek tropaion, source of English "trophy") on which the vanquished foe's armour and weapons were hung. The plant's round leaves reminded Linnaeus of shields and its flowers of blood-stained helmets. 

All parts of Tropaeolum majus are edible. The flower has most often been consumed, making for an especially ornamental salad ingredient; it has a slightly peppery taste reminiscent of watercress and is also used in stir fry. 

 The flowers contain about 130 mg vitamin C per 100 grams (3+1⁄2 oz),[25] about the same amount as is contained in parsley. 

 Moreover, they contain up to 45 mg of lutein per 100 g, which is the highest amount found in any edible plant.  

The unripe seed pods can be harvested and dropped into spiced vinegar to produce a condiment and garnish, sometimes used in place of capers.

Mashua (T. tuberosum) produces an edible underground tuber that is a major food source in parts of the Andes. 

T. majus has been used in herbal medicine for respiratory and urinary tract infections. 

In Germany, licensed physicians can prescribe the herbal antibiotic Angocin Anti-Infekt N, made from only nasturtium and horseradish root. " 


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Holy Modal Rounders in a supporting ha ha ha Role

  Holy Modal Rounders  

(Ain't it refreshing, the vicarious pogo stick thru rock quasi-history 

Tall tales 101 more f-up than troof) 

"N.Y.C.- 67- 71.

The Rounders opened for

Pink Floyd:

On their way to the show,the Rounders decided that rather than do the" Cool

Thing"-which was to smoke pot or drop acid-they got stinking drunk.The

audience hated them."

"Creedence Clearwater Revival

For their last song they did "Snappin' Pussy".The college security was

offended and pulled the plug.'

'The Grateful Dead's first N.Y.C.gig-at the Cafe au Go Go-'67.

Some of my college friends(I hadn't met them yet)brought a BUNCH of

Orange Sunshine and dosed everyone.The Rounders got WHACKED.Iv'e

heard they don't remember much about the gig."

'The Byrds-at Carnegie Hall

Robin figured that since the Rounders were considered a bunch

of"Hicks"that they should play the part.He brought a bunch of chickens-he

thought that letting them run around onstage during their set would be a nice

touch.The stagehands said it was definitely against Union Rules and they had

to keep them in the dressing room.After the Byrd's set Roger McGuinn came

back to the dressing room and found that one of the chickens had laid an egg

in his Rickenbacker 12 string guitar case. He was NOT pleased." 

 Since deleted.

Text by David Reich I think therefore it Was. 

Holy Modal Rounders 

Right Whale Wrong Humans

" So, what do we know about the North Atlantic right whales?” asked Penny Hooper, on behalf of the North Carolina Sierra Club, during her public comment.  

They are one of the most endangered whales on the planet, with only an estimated 360 remaining whales are in the entire population.  " 

'Right whales are typically 13–17 m (43–56 ft) long and weigh up to 100 short tons (91 t; 89 long tons) or more."

'The 2008 vessel speed rule is meant to just slow vessels near the North Atlantic right whale to prevent devastating strikes that result in injuries and deaths. "  

"All three species are migratory, moving seasonally to feed or give birth"

"Right whales feed mainly on copepods but also consume krill and pteropods. They may forage the surface, underwater or even the ocean bottom. 

 During courtship, males gather into large groups to compete for a single female, suggesting that sperm competition is an important factor in mating behavior.  

Gestation tends to last a year, and calves are weaned at eight months old."

"I was thinking specifically about this case when I mentioned being waist-deep in whale innards during my public comments.  

This whale had lower back vertebrae the size of a beer keg that had been shattered by blunt force impact, despite all of the thick blubber and muscle surrounding and cushioning them,” he said. "

"There are only about 360 right whales left in the world. 

 Since the North Atlantic right whale unusual mortality event was declared in 2017, there have been 142 known cases, including 41 dead, 35 seriously injured,and 66 were slightly less than lethally injured or ill individuals. “

"Of the 41 confirmed dead whales, 19 were first documented in the United States, and 22 were first documented in Canada. 

 This does not account for offshore undetected injuries and deaths,” Harms said.   

"Basque people were the first to hunt right whales commercially, beginning as early as the 11th century in the Bay of Biscay. They initially sought oil, but as meat preservation technology improved, the animal was also used for food.  

Basque whalers reached eastern Canada by 1530 and the shores of Todos os Santos Bay (in Bahia, Brazil) by 1602. The last Basque voyages were made before the Seven Years' War (1756–1763). All attempts to revive the trade after the war failed. Basque shore whaling continued sporadically into the 19th century."

There were 24 confirmed, probable or suspected deaths as a direct result of human interaction out of the 41 whales. There were nine entanglements, 15 vessel strikes...."


"Right whales swim slowly, reaching only 5 kn (9.3 km/h) at top speed. However, they are highly acrobatic and frequently breach (jump clear of the sea surface), tail-slap and lobtail " 

'The right whales' diets consist primarily of zooplankton, primarily the tiny crustaceans called copepods, as well as krill, and pteropods, although they are occasionally opportunistic feeders. As with other baleens, they feed by filtering prey from the water. They swim with an open mouth, filling it with water and prey. The whale then expels the water, using its baleen plates to retain the prey. Prey must occur in sufficient numbers to trigger the whale's interest, be large enough that the baleen plates can filter it, and be slow enough that it cannot escape. The "skimming" may take place on the surface, underwater, or even at the seabed, indicated by mud occasionally observed on right whales' bodies" 

"Vocalizations made by right whales are not elaborate compared to those made by other whale species. The whales make groans, pops and belches typically at frequencies around 500 Hz. The purpose of the sounds is not known but may be a form of communication between whales within the same group. " 

'During the mating season, which can occur at any time in the North Atlantic, right whales gather into "surface-active groups" made up of as many as 20 males consorting a single female. 

 The female has her belly to the surface while the males stroke her with their flippers or keep her underwater. The males do not compete as aggressively against each other as male humpbacks. The female may not become pregnant but she is still able to assess the condition of potential mates. "

 "The mean age of first parturition in North Atlantic right whales is estimated at between 7.5 and 9 years. Females breed every 3–5 years; the most commonly seen calving intervals are 3 years and may vary from 2 up to 21 years due to multiple factors."


"By conservative estimates (e.g. she was a new mother who had just reached sexual maturity in 1935), she was nearly 70 years to more than 100 years of age, if not older.Research on the closely related bowhead whale exceeding  

210 years suggests this lifespan is not uncommon and may even be exceeded."  


"French President Emmanuel Macron’s office has asked Danish authorities not to extradite Watson, who has lived in France for the past year, according to Agence France-Presse.

A French online petition urging Macron to demand Watson’s release has garnered almost 670,000 signatures in eight days." 

Monday, July 29, 2024

Antithetical to virtue Corporate Fascism l


"You won’t have to vote any more, my beautiful Christians .

I’m not Christian.” But he added: “I love you. Get out – you gotta get out and vote.  

In four years, you don’t have to vote again. 

We’ll have it fixed so good,.

 you’re not gonna have to vote.” 

"This is not subtle Christian nationalism. He’s talking about ending our democracy and installing a Christian nation.”-----ruled over by a self labeled "not Christian". He's more likely playing antichrist for his sucker base.

Antichrist, i.e, antithetical to peace virtues   

"He has repeatedly made known his admiration for authoritarian leaders, including Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Hungary’s Viktor Orbán and North Korea’s Kim Jong-un. And a former White House aide reported that  

Trump once said Adolf Hitler – whose Nazi regime murdered 6 million Jews during the Holocaust amid the second world war – “did some good things”. " 

"The Antichrist is a figure in Christian eschatology who is prophesied to oppose Jesus Christ and impersonate a savior before the Second Coming.  

The term appears four times in the New Testament, in the First and Second Epistle of John, and is described as Christ's polar opposite and ultimate enemy.  

The Antichrist is said to be a perfectly evil human being who will fill the world with wickedness before the Last Judgment, but will ultimately be defeated by Christ" -----AI says. 

(How does Jesus have any "enemy")


"Eschatology is the study of beliefs about the end of the world, human history, or the present age, and the final destiny of humankind and individual souls. It can also refer to any theory about the end of life. "  



In the national popular vote,  

Biden received 81.2 million votes 

 and Trump received 74.2 million votes. 

"In four months, GOP, you don’t have to vote again. 

We’ll have it fixed so good.

Fixy fixt fox faux fixed."

ICJ Deadpool


"Anything that is produced in the occupied territories, such as food, or that is sold there over the internet, is in principle subject to the international prohibition, 

 if it can be said to aid or assist in the maintenance of the unlawful occupation,” he said." 

"In a broad and damning ruling published this month, 

 the international court of justice (ICJ)

 found that Israel’s settlement policies and occupation of the territories were in breach of international law.  

It also said UN member states were under an obligation to neither recognise the occupation as lawful nor abet it"  

Go back in time, potty mouth

Holocaust disappears in juvenile re education 

Starving babies starving children starving mother's starving fathers starving grandmothers starving grandfathers starving great grandmothers starving after bombing great great grandmothers 

Go forward in time, go back in time, nullify time, stack the Courts, run out the Clock 

Pooh Pooh time starving for enterfoodstuffs  the Dagwood stacked sandwich Court 

Want a bite want a biting satire want violence you can't see? 

I'll show you, made you look. 

Weirdos Voting Weirdly Warwide


"Maduro’s re-election was also welcomed by Vladimir Putin, who offered his personal offshore account address for immediate payment." 

'This fully meets the interests of our friendly peoples and is in line with building a more just and democratic world order … Remember that you are always a welcome guest on Russian soil, unlike me"  

Statements from Exxon, Rosneft, and Citgo ran along the same frack. 


'The higher oil volumes coincides with the White House's sanction relief issued in November 2022, allowing U.S. companies like Chevron Corporation (NYSE:CVX) (San Ramon, California) to operate again in Venezuela."

"Many Latin American leaders, including Chile’s leftist president, Gabriel Boric, were far blunter in their assessment of Sunday’s vote.

“Maduro’s regime must understand that the results are hard to believe,” 

"An even more direct response came from Luis Lacalle Pou, the president of Uruguay. " 

"Daniel Noboa, the president of Ecuador, accused Maduro of trying to cling to power and “snatching away the hope of millions of Venezuelans”.  

Bernardo Arévalo, Guatemala’s centrist president, said Venezuela deserved “transparent, accurate results” in accordance with the will of the people." 

'Peru’s foreign minister, Javier González-Olaechea, expressed his “utter condemnation of the totality of the fraud-driven irregularities by the Venezuelan government.  

Argentina’s populist, firebrand president, Javier Milei, was characteristically insistent.


The government of Costa Rica described the proclamation of Maduro’s victory as “fraudulent” 

'In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote" ---- Republican Oil Nazi Unity Cabal  

'Venezuela's National Assembly on Monday began discussing a proposal to extend through 2047 a contract between state oil company PDVSA and U.S. company Chevron (CVX.N), opens new tab to operate a joint venture in the country's largest producing area.

PDVSA and Chevron have four joint ventures in Venezuela that are producing some 200,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude. " 

'ExxonMobil said it plans to explore for oil and gas in a disputed area off South America’s coast where the Venezuelan military had previously expelled two U.S. oil companies. The move could escalate tensions between Venezuela and neighboring Guyana, which awarded the exploration license. "

"Meanwhile, the U.S. government is increasing its military aid to Guyana 

 and has promised to help buy new aircraft, helicopters, a fleet of military drones and, for the first time, radar technology.' 

'markets are keeping a watch on oil producer Venezuela after the country's electoral authority said that President Nicolas Maduro had won a third term 

 with 51% of the vote  

despite multiple exit polls pointing to an opposition win.

The U.S. had previously said it would "calibrate" its sanctions policy towards Venezuela depending on how the election unfolds in the OPEC member nation." 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Patronizing young voters

"... after Charli xcx’s “brat” endorsement, has sought to draw attention to Trump’s rally storytelling. 

 Particularly, they have highlighted his frequent but references to fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter of Silence of the Lambs fame as well as the choice between being shocked by a sinking electric boat or being eaten by a shark."  


Editor, ahem.   


Highlight real shit.  

Trump: "Yeah that's her with the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."

Bush: "Whatever you want."

Trump: "Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."

 Trump: "I moved on her actually. You know she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it. I did try and fuck her, she was married."

'Since the 1970s, at least 26 womenq have publicly accused Trump of rape, 

 kissing, and groping without consent

 looking under women's skirts; and walking in on naked teenage pageant contestants. "

It's an endless list, bigotry, misogyny, generalized hate, boasting, lying, lifelong deception, fraud, sadism, vanity, ugliness, crime, mass genocide, 

Did your dad die from Covid 

Did grandma die of Covid 

Did you drink bleach and Pray 



You may Never Vote again.


"Republicans Shrug at Trump Saying His Supporters ‘Won’t Have to Vote Anymore’

Some in the GOP are totally cool with the former president's hints that he wants to be a dictator"


'local law enforcement had spotted the shooter 30 minutes earlier than what officials had previously said.

The published text messages show that a local countersniper first noticed a man, who was later identified as Crooks, loitering in the area where the counter-snipers were set up more than 90 minutes before the shooting occurred.  

Kid learning around building we are in. AGR I believe it is. I did see him with a range finder looking towards stage. FYI. If you wanna notify SS snipers to look out. I lost sight of him,” read one of the texts, accompanied by photos of Crooks.

One of the two remaining countersnipers reportedly ran out of the building attempting to keep eyes on Crooks until other law enforcement arrived, per Butler County officials, but Crooks ran off, taking a backpack"


Saturday, July 27, 2024

Food Front Hong Phat

 "The new Hồng Phát Supercenter boasts a colorful range of Asian foods and a wide selection of American, Latino, Eastern European and Middle Eastern groceries. 

In 2013, Wang and Nguyen partnered up and opened a second Hồng Phát location at a former Safeway on Southeast 82nd Avenue in the Montavilla neighborhood. (That's the one I frequent) 

Having a diverse range of foods from a variety of cultures is one of the main ways independent grocers like Hong Phat differentiate themselves from the grocery behemoths like Walmart, Fred Meyer and Albertsons...." 

I'm sick of those stores and their vibe and their ubiquitous greed and culture desert. 

Shop farmers markets, small co ops, give new emporiums a chance. 

"our last member meeting on July 16th, 2024, the Board of Food Front presented our recommendation to sell the Food Front property to K-5 Urban Holdings LLC for $2.55 million.  

After discussing the specifics with the membership and reviewing subsequent member comments and feedback, the Board unanimously moved to approve the resolution and move it to a member vote." 

Food Front snail action.



"Blackberry fruit production is abundant with annual volumes of 20,000 pounds (9,100 kg) per 1 acre (0.40 ha) possible, making this plant commercially attractive." 


"What distinguishes the blackberry from its raspberry relatives is whether or not the torus (receptacle or stem) "picks with" (i.e., stays with) the fruit. 

 When picking a blackberry fruit, the torus stays with the fruit. 

 With a raspberry, the torus remains on the plant, leaving a hollow core in the raspberry fruit"


"The usually black fruit is not a berry in the botanical sense, as it is termed botanically as an aggregate fruit, composed of small drupelets.  

It is a widespread and well-known group of over 375 species, many of which are closely related apomictic microspecies native throughout Europe, northwestern Africa, temperate western and central Asia and North and South America."

"Vatican confirms ban on Catholics becoming Freemasons " 

"VATICAN CITY, Nov 15 (Reuters) - The Vatican has confirmed a ban on Catholics becoming Freemasons, a centuries-old secretive society that the Catholic Church has long viewed with hostility and has an estimated global membership of up to six million.

"Active membership in Freemasonry by a member of the faithful is prohibited, because of the irreconcilability between Catholic doctrine and Freemasonry," the Vatican's doctrinal office said in a letter published by Vatican media" 

'The same office said last week that transgender people can be baptized, serve as godparents and act as witnesses at Catholic weddings."

"The letter on Freemasons cited a 1983 declaration, signed by the late Pope Benedict XVI, at the time the Vatican's doctrine chief, stating that Catholics "in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion".  

"The apomicts actually have discovered the effectiveness of mass production long before Mr. Henry Ford applied it to the production of the automobile. ... Facultative apomixis ... does not prevent variation; rather, it multiplies certain varietal products."

"Masonic lodges are normally male-only societies, associated with arcane symbols and rituals.  "

" It lists the late Queen Elizabeth's husband Prince Philip, former Prime Minister Winston Churchill, late actor Peter Sellers, former England soccer manager Alf Ramsey and authors Rudyard Kipling and Arthur Conan Doyle as famous Freemasons from the past.". (quite recent past) 

Since the office was established in 1789, 45 individuals have served as president of the United States. Of these, 15, including Lyndon Johnson who took only the First Degree, are known to have been Freemasons, beginning with the nation's first president, George Washington, and most recently the 38th president, Gerald R. Ford. 

(1/3.  33.3%%) 

Washington, Monroe, Jackson, Polk, Buchanan, Johnson, Garfield, McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, Harding, FD Roosevelt, Truman,  LB Johnson, Ford 

"addition to the individuals listed above, Ronald Reagan was made an honorary Freemason, and as a youth, Bill Clinton was a member of the Masonic youth group Order of DeMolay "

'DeMolay International is an international fraternal organization for young men ages 12 to 21. There is in select areas a "Squire" program for those younger than 12.  

It was founded in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1919 and named for Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar. "

"In contrast to parthenocarpy, which involves seedless fruit formation without fertilization, apomictic fruits have viable seeds containing a proper embryo, with asexual origin."

 "DeMolay was incorporated in the 1990s and is classified by the young women are not permitted to join DeMolay, chapters are permitted to elect chapter "sweethearts" and "princesses."

DeMolay is part of the "family" of Masons and associated organizations. DeMolay is the youth group for young men. (Rainbow Girls and Job's Daughters are similar Masonic-related organizations for young women.) 

"make noise; I am foolish and wanton" or "I play with noise". 

Although Random House Dictionary states that it comes from one of the Algonquian languages and means "to make oneself known", 

To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life

To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships

To promote the adoption and the application of higher social, business, and professional standards

To develop, by precept and example a more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable citizenship 

To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism, and goodwill toward the global elimination of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD), the leading preventable cause of mental retardation,  and dedicated to wiping out maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT), which kills more than 50,000 babies and a significant number of women each year. " 

"Neonatal tetanus (trismus nascentium) is a form of generalised tetanus that occurs in newborns. Infants who have not acquired passive immunity from an immunized mother are at risk.  

It usually occurs through infection of the unhealed umbilical stump, particularly when the stump is cut with a non-sterile instrument. " 

"Folklore in the United Kingdom and Ireland tells that blackberries should not be picked after Old Michaelmas Day (11 October)  

as the devil (or a Púca) has made them unfit to eat by stepping, spitting or fouling on them. 

There is some value in this legend as autumn's wetter and cooler weather often allows the fruit to become infected by various molds such as Botryotinia which give the fruit an unpleasant look and may be toxic.

 According to some traditions, a blackberry's deep purple color represents Jesus' blood and the crown of thorns was made of brambles, although other thorny plants, such as Crataegus (hawthorn) and Euphorbia milii (crown of thorns plant), have been proposed as the material for the crown." 

"come from the Rosaceae, including various edible fruits, such as apples, pears, quinces, apricots, plums, cherries, peaches, raspberries, blackberries, loquats, strawberries, rose hips, hawthorns, and almonds. The family also includes popular ornamental trees and shrubs, such as roses, meadowsweets, rowans, firethorns, and photinias." 

"They can be follicles, capsules, nuts, achenes, drupes (Prunus), and accessory fruits, like the pome of an apple, the hip of a rose, or the receptacle-derived aggregate accessory fruit of a strawberry. Many fruits of the family are edible, but their seeds often contain amygdalin, which can release cyanide during digestion if the seed is damaged." 

Pits are relatively thinner portions of the cell wall that adjacent cells can communicate or exchange fluid through. Pits are characteristic of cell walls with secondary layers. Generally each pit has a complementary pit opposite of it in the neighboring cell. These complementary pits are called "pit pairs". 

"The torus and margo are characteristic features of bordered pit-pairs in gymnosperms, such as Coniferales, Ginkgo, and Gnetales. In other vascular plants, the torus is rare.  

The pit membrane is separated into two parts: a thick impermeable torus at the center of the pit membrane, and the permeable margo surrounding it. 

 The torus regulates the functions of the bordered pit, and the margo is a cell wall-derived porous membrane that supports the torus. The margo is composed of bundles of microfibrils that radiate from the torus "

"The margo is flexible and can move towards either side of the pit while under stress. This allows the thick, impermeable torus to block the pit aperture. When the torus is displaced so that it blocks the pit aperture, the pit is said to be aspirated." 

"The surrealist movement was explicitly predicated on Freud’s discoveries,” said Solms. “Some of them, like Dalí and de Chirico, depicted directly the inner world of the mind as it is revealed in dreams, with  

uncanny juxtapositions and the like, while others, like Breton, were influenced by deeper aspects of his work, and employed  

automatic writing and automatic drawing on the model of Freud’s free-association method "

Fingertips (2013)


pens versus swords in what context

thought nadia salerno-sonenberg while slicing onions

in aspen and more

bows versus bullets

in different magazine packets

aprons versus tool belts

pull back the hammer with your metaphor

enough is enough

we can give ourselves up with the onion

but the satire is flat and full of nails


 SE portland

Friday, July 26, 2024

Silverado Squatters Stevenson

"Broken financially, suffering from a lifelong fibrinous bronchitis condition, and with his writing career at a dead end, he was nursed back to health by his doctor, his nurse, and his future wife, while living briefly in Monterey, San Francisco, and Oakland.  

His father having provided money to help, on May 19, 1880, he married the Indianapolis native, whom he had first met in France in 1875, soon after the events of An Inland Voyage. .

Still too weak to undertake the journey back to Scotland, friends suggested Calistoga, in the upper Napa Valley, with its healthy mountain air. "

"The couple first went to the Hot Springs Hotel in Calistoga, but unable to afford the 10 dollars a week fee, they spent an unconventional honeymoon in an abandoned three-story bunkhouse at a derelict mining camp called "Silverado" on the shoulder of Mount Saint Helena in the Mayacamas Mountains.  

There they squatted for two months during summer, putting up makeshift cloth windows and hauling water in by hand from a nearby stream while dodging rattlesnakes and the occasional fog banks so detrimental to Stevenson's health. " 

"The Silverado Squatters provides some views of California during the late 19th century. Stevenson uses the first telephone of his life.  

He meets a number of wine growers in Napa Valley, an enterprise he deems "experimental",  

with growers sometimes even mislabeling the bottles as originating from Spain in order to sell their product to skeptical Americans.  "

"He visits the oldest wine grower in the valley, Jacob Schram, who had been experimenting for 18 years at his Schramsberg Winery, and had recently expanded the wine cellar in his backyard.  "

"Stevenson also visits a petrified forest owned by an old Swedish ex-sailor who had stumbled upon it while clearing farmland—the precise nature of the petrified forest remained for everyone a source of curiosity. Stevenson also details his encounters with a local Jewish merchant, whom he compares to a character in a Charles Dickens novel (probably Fagin from Oliver Twist), and portrays as happy-go-lucky but always scheming to earn a dollar. Like Dickens in American Notes (1842), Stevenson found the American habit of spitting on the floor hard to get used to.

'His experiences at Silverado were recorded in a journal he called "Silverado Sketches", parts of which he incorporated into Silverado Squatters in 1883 while living in Bournemouth, England, with other tales appearing in "Essays of Travel" and "Across the Plains".  

Many of his notes on the scenery around him later provided much of the descriptive detail for  

Treasure Island 

The Robert Louis Stevenson State Park now encompasses the area where the Stevensons stayed.  

"Robert Louis Stevenson State Park is a California state park, located in Sonoma, Lake and Napa counties.  

The park offers a 5-mile (8 km) hike to the summit of Mount Saint Helena from which much of the Bay Area can be seen.  

On clear days it is possible to see the peak of Mount Shasta, 192 miles (310 km) distant. " 

Robert Louis Stevenson (born Robert Lewis Balfour Stevenson; 13 November 1850 – 3 December 1894) was a Scottish novelist, essayist, poet and travel writer. He is best known for works such as 

 Treasure Island,  

Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, 



A Child's Garden of Verses. 

"Stevenson was moving away from his upbringing. His dress became more Bohemian; he already wore his hair long, but he now took to wearing a velveteen jacket and rarely attended parties in conventional evening dress. Within the limits of a strict allowance, he visited cheap pubs and brothels. More significantly, he had come to reject Christianity and declared himself an atheist.  

In January 1873, when he was 22, his father came across the constitution of the LJR (Liberty, Justice, Reverence) Club, of which Stevenson and his cousin Bob were members, which began: "Disregard everything our parents have taught us".  

Justifying his rejection of an established profession, in 1877 Stevenson offered "An Apology for Idlers".  

"A happy man or woman", he reasoned, "is a better thing to find than a five-pound note. He or she is a radiating focus of goodwill" and a practical demonstration of "the great Theorem of the Liveableness of Life"..

'Underwoods is a collection of poems by Robert Louis Stevenson published in 1887.  

It comprises two books, Book I with 38 poems in English, Book II with 16 poems in Scots. "


"Whenever I read a book or a passage that particularly pleased me, in which a thing was said or an effect rendered with propriety, 

 in which there was either some conspicuous force or some happy distinction in the style, I must sit down at once and set myself to ape that quality.  

I was unsuccessful, and I knew it; and tried again, and was again unsuccessful and always unsuccessful; but at least in these vain bouts, I got 

 some practice in rhythm, in harmony, in construction and the co-ordination of parts.  

I have thus played the sedulous ape to Hazlitt, to Lamb, to Wordsworth, to Sir Thomas Browne, to Defoe, to Hawthorne, to Montaigne, to Baudelaire and to Obermann."   

"quotation from Lamb, "Lawyers, I suppose, were children once",' serves as the epigraph to Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird." 

Forrest Destroyers, Sherman Class

" The 18       Forrest

 Sherman-class destroyers  

 comprised the first post-war class of US destroyers.  

Commissioned beginning in 1955, these ships served until the late 1980s."

"At the time they entered service, these ships were the largest US destroyers ever built, 418 feet (127 m) long, with a standard displacement of 2,800 tonnes" 

Built   1953–1959

In commission   1955–1988



"George Washington Goethals  

(/ˈɡoʊθəlz/ GOH-thəlz June 29, 1858 – January 21, 1928) was a United States Army general and civil engineer, best known for his administration and supervision of the construction and the opening of the Panama Canal.  

He was the State Engineer of New Jersey and the Acting Quartermaster General of the United States Army. "

'Goethals was born in Brooklyn, New York, to 

 Flemish immigrants  

from Stekene, Belgium, Johannes Baptista (John Louis) Goethals, a carpenter, and wife Marie Le Barron. "

Thorpe, Snoop Dope Ethics, Giuochi Olimpici


"When the rapper Snoop Dogg was softball pitched how he had prepared for his new role as a primetime Olympics correspondent for the US TV network NBC during the Paris Games,  

he responded with characteristic swagger. “My preparation for primetime is being me,” he said. 

 “Google me. Look me up, dog.”  

Online gambling 

Underage gambling

Dark money gambling

Rigging games gambling 

Betting on money trumping ethics 

Sports capitalism Olympics 

Buy a torch installment plan 

Sofa life democracy voting

Mr Healthy the House always Wins 


'we're committed to providing them with the most exciting and immersive online casino experience out there. With Snoop by our side, the future of digital entertainment is looking brighter than ever. Get ready!”

"... Snoop further added: “You already know what happens when the Dogg is on it.” 

"The Snoop Dogg AZ Bowl is partnering with brands that will help us be the first bowl — you hear me, the first bowl — to offer NIL money to student-athletes,” Snoop Dogg said " 

'This was 100% Snoop Dogg’s idea,” Arizona Bowl executive director Kym Adair said. 

"Earlier this month, the Snoop Dogg Arizona Bowl presented by Gin & Juice by Dre and Snoop became 

 the first college bowl game to partner with an alcohol brand  

as a presenting sponsor"  


"Thorpe was the first Native American to win a gold medal for the United States in the Olympics.  

Considered one of the most versatile athletes of modern sports, he won two Olympic gold medals in the 1912 Summer Olympics (one in classic pentathlon and the other in decathlon). He also played football (collegiate and professional), professional baseball, and professional basketball.  " 

He lost his Olympic titles after it was found he had been paid for playing two seasons of semi-professional baseball 

 before competing in the Olympics, thus violating the contemporary amateurism rules. 

 In 1983, 30 years after his death, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) restored his Olympic medals with replicas,


He suffered from alcoholism, and lived his last years in failing health and poverty. He was married three times and had eight children, including Grace Thorpe, an environmentalist and Native rights activist, before suffering from heart failure and dying in 1953.

Thorpe has received numerous accolades for his athletic accomplishments.  

The Associated Press ranked him as the "greatest athlete" from the first 50 years of the 20th century 

In 1917, Iva and Thorpe bought a house now known as the 

 Jim Thorpe House in Yale, Oklahoma, 

and lived there until 1923. 

They had four children: James F., Gale, Charlotte, and Grace Frances, an environmentalist and Native rights activist"  


The IOC voted to reinstate Thorpe as the sole winner of both events on July 14, 2022, after 


Stillwater to Yale on hw 51, 20 miles.

Yale to Tulsa, hw 51,  42 miles. 

I grew up on 3 acres on hw 51, 15 miles from Yale, 60 years after he lived there.  



"Their Giuochi Olimpici (“Olympic games” in Italian)  

was based not on speed or strength, but on one’s ability to string together a poem or win a debate.

The first of these new games was held in 1693 and they ran semi-regularly into the mid-18th century. The group met outdoors in places including the Farnese Gardens, a lofty site on the Palatine Hill in Rome overlooking the ruins of the Ancient Forum. 

They was a mix of (mostly male) poets, writers, lawyers, clergymen, nobles, artists and musicians. All were members of the Arcadian Academy, a group named for the region of ancient Greece – Arcadia – that was regarded as the “home of poetry” in Early Modern Europe.

In 1504, the writer Jacopo Sannazaro had published a poem called Arcadia that presented an ideal vision of a world in which shepherds lived in harmony with nature. 

Later on, poetry also became an official part of the first of the modern Olympic games – and remained so until 1948. 

The foot race became a game called “the oracle”, in which a debate was held on a topic set by the custodian of the games.  

The javelin became a game of dispute, in which the “shepherds” took part in friendly poetic disagreements.  

They were encouraged “to sting and prick each other with verses” 

 to dispel any “bitterness that may have occupied their minds”. 

The third game, the discus, became a game of wits in which the poets bested each other in composing witty songs.

Wrestling changed to a “game of transformation”, drawing from the myth of the metamorphosis of the ancient Arcadian King Lycaon, who was transformed into a wolf by Zeus after he sacrificed his son (one origin of the werewolf myth) 

In the fifth game, called “the garland”, the winner was the person who could weave together the most beautiful poem in praise of nature. This was the only game in which women could compete. 

Structured play, with its clear rules of engagement, is often regarded as a way of mimicking more serious types of social confrontation.  

The “play” of games at the Olympics – whether poetic or physical – allows all of us (spectators included)  

a chance to move through the emotions of combat, disagreement, disappointment and elation in a friendly way. " 


"The Panathenaic Stadium  

(Greek: Παναθηναϊκό Στάδιο, romanized: Panathinaïkó Stádio

is a multi-purpose stadium in Athens, Greece. One of the main historic attractions of Athens, it is the only stadium in the world built entirely of marble.  

The stadium was built on the site of a simple racecourse by the Athenian statesman Lykourgos (Lycurgus) c. 400 BC, primarily for the Panathenaic Games.  "

'It was rebuilt in marble by Herodes Atticus, an Athenian Roman senator, by 144 AD it had a capacity of 50,000 seats. After the rise of Christianity in the 4th century it was largely abandoned. "

'It was used for various purposes in the 20th century and was once again used as an Olympic venue in 2004. It is the finishing point for the annual Athens Classic Marathon. It is also the last venue in Greece from where the Olympic flame handover ceremony to the host nation takes place."

Ashlar is the finest stone masonry unit, and is generally rectangular (cuboid). It was described by Vitruvius as opus isodomum or trapezoidal.  

Precisely cut "on all faces adjacent to those of other stones", ashlar is capable of requiring only very thin joints between blocks, and the visible face of the stone may be quarry-faced or feature a variety of treatments: tooled, smoothly polished or rendered with another material for decorative effect. 

"Ashlar masonry was also heavily used in the construction of palace facades on Crete, including Knossos and Phaistos. These constructions date to the MM III-LM Ib period, c. 1700–1450 BC. 

In some Masonic groupings, which such societies term jurisdictions, ashlars are used as a symbolic metaphor for how one's personal development relates to the tenets of their lodge.  "

A Rico of nature


"One thing several attorneys were able to confirm: any defendants arrested in the public park where protesters camped for more than a year could not have been “trespassing”,  

as arrest warrants alleged. Signs are now posted in that part of the forest saying the area has been off limits to the public  

only since DeKalb county closed down the park in March 2023 – after all arrests occurred. 

The state’s case centers on Rico, or criminal conspiracy law – originally developed to prosecute the mafia.  

It names 61 people in what experts have told the Guardian is the largest number of defendants ever  

in a Rico case involving a protest or social movement.  

The state’s indictment, handed down on 29 August 2023, mentions  

the word “forest”  

310 times  

in 109 pages, according to De Janon’s motion.  

Several attorneys noted how large and beautiful the forest is – secondary-growth woods filled with loblolly pines and water oaks.

“I had no idea such a forest existed, and so close to the city,” said attorney Suri Chadha Jiménez.


Forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest Forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest Forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest Forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest Forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest Forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest Forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest Forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest Forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest Forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest 

Forest forest forest forest forest forest forest.       copforest    cityforest                                        wordforest.        


(Even when some trees are replaced, it is with a single type of trees planted the same distance from each other, rather than different trees at random placement and age as in the native forest)

       "The South River Forest or Weelaunee Forest is an area in southeast metro Atlanta DeKalb County, Georgia, United States named after the nearby South River. The South River is also known by its Muscogee Creek name,  

the "Weelaunee". 

 'The area includes significant disparate, undeveloped forested parcels that help protect the river and tributaries, one of the lungs of Atlanta to be established as a conservation" zone. 

'The American city of Atlanta, Georgia has a reputation as the "city in a forest" due to its abundance of trees, uncommon among major cities. Tree coverage was estimated at 47.9% for 2008, in a 2014 study." 

'Atlanta's tree coverage does not go unnoticed—it was the main reason cited by National Geographic in naming Atlanta a "Place of a Lifetime":

For a sprawling city with the nation’s ninth-largest metro area, Atlanta is surprisingly 

 lush with trees—magnolias, dogwoods, Southern pines, and magnificent oaks.".

'A 2001 study found that Atlanta's heavy tree cover declined from 48% in 1974 to 38% in 1996. This loss of tree canopy resulted in a 33% increase in stormwater runoff, and a loss of 11 million pounds of pollutants removed annually. " 

Thank gosh there are many varieties of cop planted across our fine nation. There's the helpful cop, the friendly cop, the quiet cop, the white cop, the Hispanic, brown, Asian cop, even the gay cop in certain environments. There's the ex military cop, the son of minister cop, the by the books cop, the lone wolf cop, and the spanking cop and his close cousin, the paddle happy cop. Together they form a tight cop of security and safety for a rico cop nation, thank cop. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

John Bellinger Bellingham Pegasus


"one of Israel’s US-based lawyers, 

 John Bellinger,  

a former senior national security lawyer in the George W Bush administration 

 and now a partner at Arnold & Porter, appears to have told Rosenstein that Israel 

 was “acutely focused on the discovery dangers and is still considering its options”.  

"Three days later, in mid-July 2020, Israel made a significant but secret intervention. At an urgent meeting with NSO, Israeli officials presented the company with an order issued by a Tel Aviv court granting the government powers to execute a search warrant at its office, access its internal computer systems and seize files."

'Scott Horton, a US lawyer and adjunct professor at Columbia Law School, said these were “strange procedures to be taking in relation to a private entity”, 

 suggesting NSO was in fact an “integral part of the Israeli defence establishment  

and they are trying to shield [this] from public discovery”. 

'"Get in touch

Do you have information about this story? Email, or (using a non-work phone) use Signal or WhatsApp to message +1 646 886 8761.  

For the most secure communications, use SecureDrop or see our guide." 

"spokesperson for NSO said that “as a law-abiding company” it is above Laws just look at war criminal Netanyahu and the IJC determination of Gaza and Israeli Genocide. 

Kashoggi.  Dude abides. 


"he served as the principal lawyer for National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice and the NSC staff. He was in the White House Situation Room on 9/11 and later was the primary lawyer for the White House in dealing with the 9/11 Commission. He was one of the drafters of the legislation that created the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. 

Bellinger was part of a group of Bush administration officials who advocated for minimum standards of treatment for detainees, protections for detainees prosecuted by military commissions, and the closure of the detention center at Guantanamo Bay. 


2008, Bellinger represented the United States before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in a case filed by Mexico after the Supreme Court in Medellin v Texas invalidated President Bush's February 2005 order directing courts in Texas and other states to comply with the ICJ's 2004 order in Case Concerning Avena and Other Mexican Nationals that the United States review the convictions and death sentences of a group of  

Mexican nationals who had not been notified of their right to consular access  

under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.  

2013, Bellinger was a signatory to an amicus curiae brief submitted to the Supreme Court by a group of former Republican officials in support of same-sex marriage in Hollingsworth v. Perry.

In 2016 Bellinger drafted the "50 G.O.P. Officials Warn Donald Trump Would Put Nation's Security 'at Risk'" letter. 

August 2020, Bellinger was one of 70 former senior security officials who took out a full-page ad in the Wall Street Journal, saying they would vote for Joe Biden as president.

In 2020, Bellinger, along with over 130 other former Republican national security officials, signed a statement that asserted that President Trump was unfit to serve another term, and "To that end, we are firmly convinced that it is in the best interest of our nation that Vice President Joe Biden be elected as the next President of the United States, and we will vote for him." 

Buy the right tool. JAG's JAG. 

And he butters Biden, oops. 

special assistant to  

Director of Central Intelligence William Webster (1988–1991).  

'becoming director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 1978 to 1987 and director of Central Intelligence (CIA) from 1987 to 1991. "becoming 

 director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 1978 to 1987  

and director of Central Intelligence (CIA) from 1987 to 1991. 

 He is the only person to have held both positions.

 He is the only person to have held both positions."  

'Director of Central Intelligence (1987–1991)

In 1987, President Ronald Reagan chose him to be director of the Central Intelligence Agency. He led the CIA until his retirement from public office in 1991. Since" 

Iran Contra special assistant 

Silverado special assistant 

Bob Dole Kansas 

W.Webster Missouri

Harry Truman, Missouri

Eisenhower, Kansas 

Bob Gates, Wichita Kansas  

David Boren, Oklahoma 

Etc etc.

Shrapnel Certainly Scams


"FBI director raises questions about  

whether Trump 

 was hit by bullet  

during assassination attempt" 

"Shortly after a gunman opened fire at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, Donald Trump said the projectile that hit his ear and caused it to bleed was a bullet." 

"But in testimony before the House judiciary committee yesterday, FBI director Christopher Wray said it was not clear if that was indeed the case, 

 or if Trump was struck by shrapnel" 

"Since 7 October Israel Bonds has raised a staggering $3bn worldwide."


"Ohio’s ethics law forbids public officials from taking substantial gifts 

 from an “improper source”, including from any person or organization “seeking to do business with the agency”.  

"Since 2019, Sprague has bought $357.5m worth of Israeli bonds on behalf of Ohio."

"The trip to Israel was to begin with Sprague checking into a five-star Jerusalem hotel before being shuttled to a gala dinner at a subterranean venue with vaulted stone ceilings.  

The itinerary for the days afterward included a trip to the City of David, the controversial archaeological site, for “an exclusive tour of places not yet open to the public, including groundbreaking archeological artifacts”.  

The itinerary also included meetings with Israeli politicians, a wine tasting at an Israeli vineyard, exclusive tours of two Israeli military bases and a private, after-hours tour of Tel Aviv’s Museum of the Jewish People to see 

 the earliest copy of the Hebrew Bible.  

On the final day of the trip, the itinerary listed a visit to Israel’s presidential residence for a meeting 

 with the Israeli president, Isaac Herzog." 

"the spokesperson for Israel Bonds, said that only one public official – presumably Sprague – had registered for the ultimately canceled 2023 trip, and that the official planned to pay for the trip himself at the same rate as other attendees. No US public officials have attended an Israel Bonds trip since 2019, "  

"Since 7 October Israel Bonds has raised a staggering $3bn worldwide."


"Dawn, a non-profit organization that has accused Israel of human rights violations, submitted a complaint to the US Department of Justice alleging that Israel Bonds appeared to be violating a federal law designed to keep tabs on foreign influence operations in the US.  

The complaint urged the justice department to investigate whether Israel Bonds broke the law by not registering as a foreign agent." 

"many of the US states that answered the call to buy Israeli bonds are the same ones that have  

railed loudly against investment strategies based on social and environmental issues, such as the climate crisis. " 

"the majority of state financial officials who invested millions in Israeli bonds in the first month of the war belonged to a conservative group that is now lobbying to keep “the left” out of state treasuries" 


(This story was co-published with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists)



"Oregon’s public pension fund, which manages tens of billions of dollars in retirement savings, appears to have privately given its blessing to a 2019 deal by an investment fund to acquire NSO Group, the controversial spyware company." 

Oregon officials said they were “deeply disturbed” by reports that  

NSO Group “enabled widespread human rights violations”. 

"NSO, which is based in Israel, was recently blacklisted by the Biden administration and accused of acting against the national security interests of the US" 

"Oregon invested $233m in a private equity firm, Novalpina Capital, in 2017. 

 Novalpina’s fund then acquired a controlling stake in NSO in 2019, 

 making the Oregon fund the largest indirect investor in the spyware company.

A spokesperson for  Tobias Read, 

 who has oversight of public investments but does not personally....scam." 

 Scam scam scam scam scam. 


"Trump mentioned Hannibal Lecter again last night, during a rally in North Carolina. 

 During a rambling tangent about immigrants, Trump said: “They’re coming from everywhere. My dad's dad came from Germany. My wife Melania is from Everything is Russia. 

 They’re coming from all over the world, from prisons and jails, and mental institutions and insane asylums.  

You know, they go crazy when I say, ‘The late great Hannibal Lecter,’ OK? They say, ‘Why would he mention Hannibal Lecter? He must be cognitively in trouble.’  

No no no, these are real stories. Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs. He’s a lovely man. He’d love to have you for dinner.”


"Trump’s unending Hannibal references are so overwhelmingly confusing that it has sent the internet running to the hills in search of something, anything, that might explain  

why the next potential president of the world’s biggest superpower 

 keeps repeating the same baffling non-sequitur 

 every time he gets near a microphone.  " 

'The theory goes that Donald Trump believes the word “asylum” only has one definition,  

and that everyone who seeks asylum is automatically by definition insane. This could also be reinforced by the fact that, in 2001’s Hannibal, Lecter lives in Florence and is therefore an immigrant" 

(It's a form of association, equating one thing or concept with another.) 

"The repeated use of the line “the late, great Hannibal Lecter” seems to suggest he might be unable to discern fiction from reality. To make matters worse, Hannibal Lecter isn’t actually dead. He remained alive through all the Silence of the Lambs prequels" 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Bluebird Bickleton Billiards


"The pyrocumulus cloud allows the smoke and ash from the fire to travel much higher in the air than it would typically go, he said. 

 If there is enough moisture in the air above the fire, the pyrocumulus cloud can also generate rain and lightning, potentially causing new fire starts in the region.  

"In central Washington, a fire that sparked on Monday near the town of Naches prompted mandatory evacuations, while another near the town of Bickleton also forced evacuations and threatened .....a 1903 Brunswick pool table, which is still used by regulars."  

Bickleton is known as the bluebird capital of the world.,_Washington


"The bluebirds are a North American group of medium-sized, mostly insectivorous or omnivorous birds in the order of Passerines in the genus Sialia of the thrush family (Turdidae). Bluebirds are one of the few thrush genera in the Americas." 

"Bluebirds lay an average of 4 to 6 eggs per clutch. They will usually brood two or three times in a year.  

Bluebirds nest from March all the way through August.

Bluebirds have blue, or blue and rose beige, plumage. Female birds are less brightly colored than males, although color patterns are similar and there is no noticeable difference in size."  

"traditional Iroquois cosmology, the call of the bluebird is believed to ward off the icy power of Sawiskera, also referred to as Flint, the spirit of the winter. Its call caused Sawiskera to flee in fear and the ice to recede." 

"referencing Charles Bukowski's poem "Bluebird", wherein bluebirds represent vulnerability that Bukowski felt "



rose beige blue habitat goes, 

returns right as rain