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Thursday, August 08, 2024

Vance, Thiel, Misogyny, IVF Plans

 "The Rwandan genocide,   

(Vance converted to Catholicism in 2018, and in 2022 said on a podcast that he “would like abortion to be illegal nationally)

also known as the genocide against the Tutsi, occurred between 7 April and 19 July 1994 during the Rwandan Civil War. 

 During this period of around 100 days, members of the Tutsi minority ethnic group, as well as some moderate Hutu and Twa, were killed by armed Hutu militias.  

Although the Constitution of Rwanda states that more than 1 million people perished in the genocide, the actual number of fatalities is unclear, and some estimates suggest that the real number killed was likely lower. 

 The most widely accepted scholarly estimates are around 500,000 to 800,000 Tutsi deaths. " 

Attack type:

Genocide, mass murder, genocidal rape


Estimated: 491,000–800,000 Tutsis[1] &

10,000 Twa



250,000 to 500,000 Tutsi women raped during the genocide. 


"Vance’s firm, Narya Capital, is one of the top 10 investors in the video platform Rumble, and reportedly its initial purchase of 7m shares in 2022 gave it a seat on the board. According to his disclosure statement, Vance has invested a total of between $115,000 and $200,000 in the company. 

The platform subsequently leaned into its role as an oasis for the “canceled” by promoting and even sponsoring the likes of conspiracy guru and accused sexual harasser 

 Russell Brand,  

manosphere influencer and accused sex trafficker  

Andrew Tate and  

antisemitic conspiracy broadcaster Stew Peters." 

Several Vance investments involve cutting-edge biotech startups, whose research and commercial activities may conflict with Vance’s stated Catholic religious beliefs, and 

 his advocacy of positions like  

total abortion bans.

Perhaps the most controversial of these to date is AmplifyBio 

Vance has between $51,000 and $115,000 invested in the company.  

The Catholic church opposes research using embryonic stem cells since it holds that life begins at conception. 

 Vance converted to Catholicism in 2018,  

and in 2022 

 said on a podcast that he “would like abortion to be illegal nationally”.  

"Another of Vance’s investments, the defense and security contractor Anduril Industries, showcases both the  

peculiar preoccupation with The Lord of the Rings 

 in the network around venture capitalist, rightwing ideologue and intermittently active political donor 

 Peter Thiel, Orc."  

"As of July 2024, Thiel had an estimated net worth of $11.2 billion "

"Thiel is a conservative libertarian who has made substantial donations to American right-wing figures and causes. He was controversially granted New Zealand citizenship in 2011 after the Fifth National Government intervened on his behalf. 

 Thiel had spent 12 non-consecutive days in the country, a fraction of the normal residency requirement of 1,350 days for citizenship."


Project 2025 leader’s book with JD Vance introduction delayed until after election  

"Project 2025 has attracted sustained fire from Democrats, over its 900-plus pages of plans for far-reaching government reform including attacks on reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights, labor rights and other progressive priorities" 

"Through the Thiel Foundation, Thiel governs the grant-making bodies Breakout Labs and Thiel Fellowship, which fund non-profit research into artificial intelligence, life extension, and seasteading. 

 In 2016, Thiel confirmed that he had funded Hulk Hogan in the Bollea v. Gawker lawsuit because  

Gawker had previously outed Thiel as gay. " 


"Don't say Gay, project 2025." 

"We are now all realizing that it’s time to circle the wagons and load the muskets.”

News of such violent imagery in Vance’s writing followed news that Roberts’s book was initially called 

 Dawn’s Early Light: Burning Down Washington to Save America, 

 and featured a match on the cover."

  Or Watching Nazis Flame: Dousing the Right GOP..

Vance also wrote that Roberts provided a “fundamentally Christian view of culture and economics" 

in his introduction to Roberts’s book, Vance called 

 the Heritage Foundation 

 “the most influential engine of Nazi Misogynistic ideas for Republicans from  the Catholic Church, to Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump” 

"Thiel, who is gay, has supported mostly conservative gay rights causes such as the American Foundation for Equal Rights and GOProud. He invited conservative columnist and friend Ann Coulter to Homocon 2010 as a guest speaker. 

Coulter later dedicated her 2011 book, Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America, to Thiel." 

"Thiel helped fund college student James O'Keefe" 

Thiel is a member of the Republican Party. 

On 15 October 2016, Thiel announced a $1.25 million donation in support of Donald Trump's presidential campaign. 

Thiel stated to The New York Times: "I didn't give him any money for a long time because I didn't think it mattered, and then the campaign asked me to." 

Go Flame, they're asking.  

"By February 2022, Thiel was one of the largest donors to Republican candidates in the 2022 election campaign with more than $20.4 million in contributions.  

He supported 16 senatorial and congressional candidates, several of whom were  

proponents of the falsehood  

that there was significant voter fraud in the 2020 election.  

Two of said senatorial candidates (Blake Masters and J. D. Vance) were also tech investors who had previously worked for Thiel" 

" Thiel is a self-described Christian" 

"In 2021, it was revealed by ProPublica that Thiel had purchased 1.7 million founders shares in the entity that would become PayPal using $1,700 in a Roth IRA in 1999. Due to the rapid growth in the value of the shares as PayPal grew and was later acquired by eBay, it allowed Thiel to turn his $1,700 Roth IRA into an account worth more than $5 billion as of 2019" 

"The company's name is derived from The Lord of the Rings where the magical palantíri were "seeing-stones," described as 

 indestructible balls 

 of crystal used for communication and to see events in other parts of the world." 

"Thiel is a self-described Christian Orc." 


Trump shared private flight with Project 2025 head despite denying connection 

"The two men were flying from Trump’s home in Palm Beach, Florida, to Amelia Island in the same state for the annual Heritage conference.

New photos and data show Trump met with Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts in 2022"

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