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Monday, August 12, 2024

Dark with pollution


"Officials previously shut down a well in 2021 when contaminated water nearly broke through the system, the EPA wrote. 

 Such a breach could leave the Arizona city without safe water.

The EPA order requires the development of a system specifically designed for PFAS.  

A similar system is estimated to cost about $25m to develop, or about 

 0.1% of the air force’s annual budget." 

 "one arm of the administration cannot sue another,  

so the military cannot sue the EPA" 

"The US air force is refusing to comply with an order  

to clean drinking water it polluted  

in Tucson, Arizona, 

 claiming federal regulators lack authority after the conservative-dominated US supreme court overturned the “Chevron doctrine”.  

Air force bases contaminated the water with toxic PFAS “forever chemicals” and other dangerous compounds." 

"there is a water that flows down from poetry 

to cleanse the world of profit by grace demure

at last, its whole stock spent, its virtue gone.

dark with pollution not its own, it speeds

back to the aquifer of all purities;

freshly bathed, earthward it sweeps again,

trailing a robe clear and clean.

this water is the sap of the cedar

which ever sheds, until itself is beggared,

nature's balm on the sorry soul; and then returns

to nature who made the purest light of children " 

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