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Friday, August 09, 2024

Echo box Dunn


"Anita Dunn: Oh, yes. I watched the dials.

Alright, tell us about the dials.

Dunn: I will tell you about the dials, because it is a very good illustration of the, shall we say, distance between voters and the elites. 

What’s the universe of voters you’re looking for in those dials?

Dunn: They are people who are undecided. Some of them voted for Biden in 2020. Some of them didn’t vote. A few of them may have voted for Trump, but they’re all people who are undecided for 2024 who are not sure they’re going to vote for either candidate, who are not sure they’re going to vote. So they were undecided.

Set the scene for us. You’ve got a TV screen with the debate. When you say you’re looking at the dials, what is the data or information you’re looking at?

Dunn: When you watch dial groups, people are instructed to start at 50 on their dials. That is the neutral position. If they feel better, they turn it to the right and the numbers go up. And if they don’t like what they’re hearing, they turn it to the left and the numbers go down.  

So it’s immediate feedback.

Dunn: It’s immediate feedback. But you also do a focus group before with a vote and you do a focus group after with a vote. And you hear people’s reactions." 


Dunn:.....24 days of unremitting negative, horrible attacks on Joe Biden.

From his own party?

Dunn: From his own party and from the press. 


Key moments.

Dunn: Key moments where people made the decision when it looked like we were reaching a point where we would fight our way through it. 

 I had a lot of Republican friends  

who were sending me texts during this period saying, “Your party is insane.” They were saying, “We’ve never seen anything like this. Our party closes ranks. You know, you fight it through. You have a 24-hour news cycle. He had a bad debate, and you move on.”  

(Republican Friends who liked the doddering baggage heavy Biden) 


Dunn: You know, we’re a party that likes to talk about voting and voting rights — and some leaders made a decision that they wanted to go disenfranchise everyone who participated in the primaries. 

(People who voted Biden in Primaries were voting the Dem Ticket. They were voting Biden/Harris all along. ) 


The CBC was behind him.

Dunn: The CBC was behind him. Obviously, a lot of progressives were behind him because of his progressive agenda. 

 AOC. Sen. Sanders. 

 I can’t say enough good things about him, who has been just a loyal supporter and a good partner and someone who has always been willing to tell us when he thinks we’re making a mistake.  

(Like Gaza and arming Israel to the hilt? Took awhile.  AOC....wannabe POTUS? C'mon man.) 


Obviously you’re working for Kamala Harris now. You want her to win.

Dunn: We absolutely  

             want her to win

"the longtime Biden adviser recalled watching the debate while monitoring a group of undecided voters turn their dials in positive or negative directions as the event went on" 

 " Dunn is believed to have approved the debate strategy which has been a failure, according to many. 

Biden’s key aides under fire after his lackluster performance in the debate 

The president was seen to be fumbling and unable to speak coherently.  

John Morgan who is one of the fund raisers for Biden accused these advisors of political malpractice. He said that Dunn had over prepared Biden and over coached him before the debate. He also said that the venue had favored Trump. He has called for the removal of Dunn and her husband. "

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