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Saturday, August 10, 2024

Biden, Obama, Hillary Clinton and Carter Agree Trump is Fascist


"Calling out those he labeled as “extreme” Republicans, Biden said: “It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the — I’m going to say something, it’s like semi-fascism.” 

"They’re a threat to our very democracy. They refuse to accept the will of the people. They embrace political violence. They don’t believe in democracy.” 

"Biden said that “the survival of our planet is on the ballot.” If Republicans win control of Congress, he noted,  

“it won’t matter where you live: Women won’t have the right to choose anywhere. Anywhere.”  

Biden calls Trump’s philosophy ‘semi-fascism’ 


Obama called Trump a 'fascist' during phone call, Sen. Kaine says in new Clinton film 

"President Obama called me last night and said: 'Tim, remember, this is no time to be a purist.  

You've got to keep a fascist out of the White House,'"  

Kaine says before adding with a laugh that Obama "knows me and he knows that I could tend to err."

Clinton replies, nodding, "I echo that sentiment." 


Why Aren’t We Talking About Trump’s Fascism?



Another week, another Trump flirtation with fascism 

"as Donald Trump flirted with a third term in office (yes, that’s illegal) and posted a video promising a “unified reich” (yes, that’s Nazi-adjacent language 

That’s not the way the flag goes An upside-down US flag – a symbol of those who believed the 2020 election was stolen – flew outside the home of the supreme court justice Samuel Alito’s home shortly after the January 6 insurrection in 2021. Alito blamed his wife"   


 Carter: U.S. Is an ‘Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery’   

"I think a full investigation would show that Trump didn't actually win the election in 2016. 

 He lost the election, and he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf,”  

Jimmy Carter,  the former president, who served between 1977 and 1981, 

 said at a panel hosted by the Carter Center in Leesburg, Va.Jun 28, 2019"

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