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Monday, August 05, 2024

Gap, Walmart, Nike Sweatshop Bangladesh


"Bangladesh has a labor force of roughly 70 million,  which is the world's seventh-largest;

80% of Bangladesh's export earnings come from the garments industry.  

Garment factories in Bangladesh, which supply some of the world's top brands, have been closed indefinitely.

 Other major industries include shipbuilding, pharmaceuticals, steel, ceramics, electronics, and leather goods" 

 of 2016 Bangladesh held the 2nd place in producing garments just after China 


"Clothing manufacturer Hula Global, which serves major U.S. store chains, said it had re-directed its apparel orders from Bangladesh to India for the rest of the year because of the unrest." 

"In 2012 the textile industry accounted for 45% of all industrial employment in the country yet only contributed 5% of the Bangladesh's total national income 

The role of women is important in the debate as some argue that the textile industry has been an important means of economic slavery for women while others focus on the fact that  

women are disproportionately textile workers and thus are  

disproportionately victims of such accidents "

Garment workers' minimum wage was set at roughly  

$37 a month in 2012  

but since 2010 Bangladesh's double-digit inflation with no corresponding rise in minimum wage and labor rights, has led to protests. 

" Following labour disputes in 2013, the minimum wage was raised to the equivalent of $68 a month.  

Many workers profited from the increase, but it was also expected to attract more young girls to factories." 

Five deadly incidents from November 2012 through May 2013 brought worker safety and labor violations in Bangladesh to world attention putting pressure on big global clothing brands such as  

Primark, Loblaw, Joe Fresh,.

 Gap, Walmart, Nike

 Tchibo, Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger,  

and retailers to respond by using their economic weight to enact change. 

 No factory owner had ever bll prosecuted over the deaths of workers. 

This changed with 41 murder charges filed relating to the 1,129 deaths which occurred during the 2013 Savar building collapse. " 


Olympics of Greed and Slavery.

The Dow Jones plunges over 1,000 points as markets are rocked by U.S. economy fears

AUGUST 5, 20249:42 AM ET

"U.S. crude oil futures tumbled to around $73 per barrel on Monday as equity markets sold off on fears the economy might be  


on the brink of a recession."  

"Year to date, gas is down 22.8%." 

That exchange of fire in April between Iran and Israel was relatively contained, did not lead to any market disruptions," Croft said. "But the question is now are we looking at something more coordinated with Hezbollah, Iran, Hamas." 

And Venezuela. 

It's a shit show fascism worldwide.



Turkey blocks access to Instagram. It’s in response to removal of posts on Hamas chief, reports say

"Unlike its Western allies, Turkey does not consider Hamas to be a terror organization. 

 A strong critic of Israel’s military actions in Gaza, 

 Erdogan has described the group as “liberation fighters.”

"Jim Reid, the global head of macro research at Deutsche Bank, said there had been “astonishing moves” in share prices, and “markets are melting down in Asia”. 

Bitcoin also slumped by 16% as traders ditched the cryptocurrency, which is often seen as a speculative asset that has been bolstered by low interest rates." 

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