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Friday, August 09, 2024

Fanatical Homicidal Settler


" Jazeera’s senior political analyst Marwan Bishara slammed countries that objected to Smotrich’s comments while still supporting Israel despite its siege on Gaza." 

"take a moment and think about that – they are horrified by what Smotrich said but not by the reality that has been unfolding for the past 10 months,” Bishara said.

Meanwhile, Israeli media outlets have also published footage purporting to show Israeli soldiers sexually assaulting Palestinian detainees at the Sde Teiman prison." 

'Teiman prison.

Numerous reports have documented horrific abuse at the facility, including rape, torture, starvation and extrajudicial killings." 

Bezalel Yoel Smotrich (Hebrew: בְּצַלְאֵל יוֹאֵל סְמוֹטְרִיץ׳; 

 born 27 February 1980) 

" is an Israeli far-right politician and lawyer who has served as the Minister of Finance since 2022. 

The leader of the National Religious Party–Religious Zionism, he previously served as a Knesset member for Yamina  "

"Smotrich is a settler in the Israeli-occupied West Bank,  

living in the settlement of Kedumim, which is illegal  

under international law.  

His residence was also built illegally outside the settlement proper  "

"Smotrich's statements, often dubbed "racist" and "homophobic," have led to several controversies 

He is a supporter of expanding Israeli settlements in the West Bank, opposes Palestinian statehood, and 

 denies the existence of the Palestinian people.  "

'According to former Shin Bet deputy chief Yitzhak Ilan, who interrogated him at the time, during the protests against the Israeli disengagement from Gaza,  

Smotrich was arrested in 2005 while in possession of 700 litres of gasoline 

 on suspicion of participating in an attempt to blow up Ayalon Highway, a major arterial road..

 He was held in jail for three weeks but not charged...

.....after refusing to speak.'

"In March 2023, speaking from a podium that depicted a map of Israel that incorporated Jordan and parts of Syria and Lebanon, Smotrich denied Palestinian identity, saying that .

there isn't any "Palestinian history or culture", 

(His grandfather Yaakov immigrated to Mandatory Palestine before World War II, and subsequently lost his parents, who drowned on an Aliyah Bet ship trying to reach Palestine)

continuing by saying that there is "no such thing as a Palestinian people"; 

these remarks were decried as "racist, fascist, and extremist" by the Palestinian foreign ministry." 

On 27 November 2023, Smotrich said that "there are 2 million Nazis" in the West Bank, "who hate us, exactly as do the Nazis of Hamas-ISIS in Gaza." 

He has stated that gay pride parades are "worse than bestiality". 

"We want the justice portfolio because we want to restore the Torah justice system", and that 

 the country should aspire to run itself as "in the days of King David". 

'Israel’s finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, sparked international outrage after he said on Wednesday: 

 “No one in the world will allow us to starve 2 million people,  

even though it might be.

 justified and moral  

in order to free the hostages.”

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