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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Plastic brain

 'Twenty-four brain samples 

 collected in early 2024 

 measured on average about 

 0.5% plastic by weight"  

"There are currently no governmental standards for plastic particles in food or water in the United States." 

Adding to the concerns about accumulation in the human body, the Journal of Hazardous Materials published a study last month that found microplastics in all 16 samples of bone marrow examined, the first paper of its kind. All the samples contained polystyrene, used to make packing peanuts and electronics, and almost all contained polyethylene, used in clear food wrap, detergent bottles and other common household products. 

The Food and Drug Administration says in a statement on its website that  

“current scientific evidence does not demonstrate that levels of 

 microplastics or nanoplastics detected in foods  

pose a risk to human health.” 

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