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Monday, August 26, 2024

Plugged in back feeding


It was some jam I was playing mando behind my back 

With my fingers no pick 

There were all these good players 

Guys with hipster beards and attitude

One motioned for me to solo

Healey, Healey, Healey they chanted 

Playing behind back the entire time 

I will woke by alarm melody, packed off to the park 

Read the news on the paper 

Neither news nor paper 

Consumed the internet segment 

It was about electric ladyland studio and jimi  

Guess I'm still plugged in 

SE Portland  

* "The band performed at many California bluegrass festivals, and as a result Chris had to be home-schooled. At age twelve, he won the mandolin championship at the Walnut Valley Festival in Winfield, Kansas.

That same year, 1993, Thile made a demo tape and sent it to the Sugar Hill and Rounder record labels" 

....Not Healey Not Chris some dream mashup not Hendrix not....that live wire guy....

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