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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Safety Wrap

" thoughts are given for action’s government;

Where action ceases, thought’s impertinent: 

Our sphere of action is life’s happiness,

And he that thinks beyond, thinks like an ass." 


His deeds bubble crap, incumbent sacrament 

Popped by the finger in nervous parliament 

A zoom call be none, neither was quick nor safe 

Our fingertip a tip for owner haste. 

Carrot or stick, it's myth by now 

Eat one or neither, sacred cow 

Coax don't parent succeeding blame 

Coach ain't boss, quit the game 


Reins in hand, the future unsure 

Our grip unnerved no less impure 

Free reigns allow unbridled charge 

How many bridge undid by barge 

Studied your life long, language and mind 

Master today, fingerprints blind 

SE pdx 

For Isis  

"The choice is made by an 88-strong “assembly of experts”, and Raisi’s departure would certainly increase the chances of a  

hereditary succession 

 in Iran"

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