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Saturday, May 04, 2024

Occupy never dies


'Students are pointing out contradictions between being asked to be free thinkers and then finding themselves challenged when they think they are thinking freely,”  

said Dr Manual Pastor, a professor and the director of the Equity Research Institute at the University of Southern California, whose research focuses on 

 the power of social movements." 

The US universities that allow protest encampments – and even negotiate 

Remember when Mayor Sam Adams coordinated with Occupy Portland, 2011, and hundreds of people camped for weeks and weeks near the downtown police station and city hall, camped living there in. Public City Park? 

And massive protests, hundreds of riot police, huge demonstrations eventually resulted in violent police dismantling of the several acre Occupy City. 

Adams was in contact with The White House, Obama Administration. 

Allow and encourage Free Speech activity and use of all open public space to facilitate and be welcome to all who lack Homes. That was a central point of Occupy Portland. The results of Corporate Rule continue. Schools must be the most open spaces for dissent and self expression. Conservatives are the foremost censors, shutting libraries, banning books,  promoting Hate Speech, targeting Workers and Activists and Everyone supporting Democracy in America. Divestment from totalitarian regimes is essential. Speaking about it will always draw a Police State response. Corporate Resistance works. The focus on profits short term versus long term won't prevail. Occupy never dies.  


let's take a walk or read a book or sit and listen to what birds may be.

if you were ever thirsty and sitting atop a spring

we'd be reflections of invitations that needn't reach print.

let's clean or do firewood or protest or fold our dollars or bake food.

you remember food, right?

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