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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Bible 2 Rape School

 "The  Nazi on Meth Porn GOP platform calls for an “equal protection of the laws to all preborn children  

from the moment of fertilization,”  

and later states that “abortion is not healthcare, it is homicide"

gender-affirming care is “child abuse , 

requirements that Christianity and the Bible be taught in public schools,  by the whip and dog,

How to Rape, also, known as Bible 2.

 and clarifies that 

 Texas “retains the right to secede from the United States.”  

By self nuking. Nuke city.


Wake Up Biden 

His Catholic Texans are gone Cannibal Nazi Ravenous  

"Gonzales defeated Brandon Herrera, a gun enthusiast who calls himself "The AK Guy"

"prominent Texas Republican, state House Speaker Dade Phelan, also edged out a challenger from the right 

 who was backed by former President Donald Trump.

Both won by razor-thin margins, 

 reflecting the anger of hard-line Nazi and a wave of party turbulence in America's biggest red state over votes that bucked party lines and the impeachment of state Attorney General Ken Paxton. 

Gonzales barely wins GOP runoff against gun-rights activist in closely-watched contest  


You think college kids protesting murder of children, women, innocent men in Gaza is your Blue Ticket?" 

Biden's Corporate Catholic Ostrich is a Hydra.

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