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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Canoe raga origin

 as i'm selfish, consider my selflessness 

Betrayed, serf of soul in servitude,

Sound made in lieu silence 

The grating atoms balance 

Placed just so 

Atop one, 

Apparently strongman, upon inspection, strum

fragile speck 

 clothed in youth pajamas 

Feeties worn out from untrimmed nails 

To tree climb for view

Sorry tree, apologies moss, my regrets twig that should have branched

Large as a canoe undug 

Sorry squandered sip 

Otherwise a stream growing rivers 

Thought gulped fables undermined by others' self-interest  

Why prove it now before a jury 

Their own clocks marching 

Over whom or what innocent,

You judge sitar 



It's more rain I hear 

Unforecast by cubicle particles 

The tin roof not lie 

Plink plink tidal wave

Put on swimming trunks 

Be a mannequin in the cubicle 

Be prepared for ocean mist 

We condensate from 

Thin air.  


Buy your palette chromium, ochre,

Cobalt, iridium red, apache puce 

Stretch a canvas, pioneer tipi 

Kit Carson just as Hitler Pink tho tiny brush dabs death in miniature portraiture 

"A job to do 

An agenda to populate west better"

Ok heretic pilgrim, it sucked in England but self own being a squatter 

Indentured to nation false teeth 

We're still cutting feathers off graduation caps, scalping dreadlocks and pardoning popes self anointed 

Graduate what? Hoops navigation 201? Sounds tribal, ting ting 

Tie a bronze trophy to the tail 

In lieu, clangatang godiva 

Dress up the walls in prelapsarian humanity 

Charge by the square foot 

Times the squirt of effort

Divided by the charcoal sweep of gestures, brushing away horseflies 

Egg laying in ass wounds

Nostalgia trail before barbed fences and museum parameter 



The chisholm trail before family went 

Sublet to tall grass, 

Hiding buffalo from cougar and wolf 

Indecently fanged but not greedy

Upon the weak fed stronger 

Luck ligaments dried in sunlit branches 

Useful later 

Morals pheromones quail scurried to or from, enough to survive 

Seine worked shallow water as did egret and miners pan 

Larger plans need mas grande feetprint 

Genocide paved way to galaxy homestead, stepping stone continent crushed and mixed 

Earth will look good on a mars condo wall, rendered just so.  


A stripper I used to  

Know she's just getting coffee to go 

No place to bother her 

On a public street at noon 

In regular disguise  


Normal beauty gets on the bus 

Why didn't they have kids 

They tip a dollar every Sunday like clockwork 

With a hello and husband and smile 

Good for the gander 


She's gonna jump at you brother 

Not this time I ride past panhandler 

And his dog leaving the grocery 

As dog is preoccupied or had 

Learned to look away 

From well worn boots  


Rain wakes me the usual unbearable

Time so I move ten feet under the tree 

Before soaked, ten minutes later 

Back to bed 

Sleeping mat sleeping bag sleeping pillow mostly sleep dry 

Two more hours well rested beauty

Errand back on bus normal 

"Despite its name, the infrastructure used by the “cloud” accounts for more global greenhouse emissions than commercial flights. In 2018, for instance, the 5bn YouTube hits for the viral song Despacito used the same amount of energy it would take to heat 40,000 US homes annually."


SE Portland 

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