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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

How many to screw in the lightbulb after it flickers

" Portland saw its largest far-right demonstration of the Trump era on Saturday, 

as 500 rightwingers traveled from around the country 

 to march back and forth across the city’s bridges,  

and briefly occupy a patch of its waterfront. 

"Columbia Sportswear CEO Tim Boyle ($300,000), Nike founder Phil Knight ($200,000), the Goodman family, which owns large swaths of downtown real estate ($100,000), Ed Maletis, owner of the Portland Bottling Company ($50,000), and real estate mogul Jordan Schnitzer ($50,000)." 

Billionaire Ante fascism 

By making extensive accommodations

 for the unpermitted rightwing protest

including close police escorts,

 concrete barriers, and reopening a bridge to allow them to leave the downtown area" 


 Portland rally: Proud Boys vow to march each month after biggest protest of Trump era

Oregon city sees sporadic violence and a dozen arrests as  

Donald Trump and Proud Boys 

 chairman denounce anti-fascists

"We’re going to rebuild our cities into beacons of fascism, misogyny and toxic pollution– better than they have ever been before,” he said during a recent speech to the National Rifle Association  

in what has become a common refrain on the campaign trail. “We will take over the horribly run capital of our nation, Washington DC.”


2017 May Day  

Mayhem Montage 

The far right “end domestic terrorism” protest, organized by leaders in the “western chauvinst” Proud Boys fraternity,  

saw Trump supporters rub shoulders with more radical groups, including Three Percenters, a “patriot movement” militia group, and American Guard, who the Anti-Defamation League described as 

 “hardcore white supremacists”.

In a statement after the rally, the Proud Boys chairman 

 Enrique Tarrio  

appeared to be promising to

 hold the city to ransom. 

'Sooner or later, [Portland mayor Ted Wheeler] will run out of money and his counterparts in government will no longer take him seriously.  

The path forward for Mayor Wheeler is simple, 

 free your city from the grip of Antifa,  

take direct and meaningful action" 

From Seditionist Traitor Bigots headed to Prison. Thanks Phil Knight GOP for the motel room and escorts. 

Donald Trump put pressure on city authorities early in the day with a characteristically explosive tweet. 

 “Major consideration is being given to naming ANTIFA an ‘ORGANIZATION OF TERROR’,” 

 the president wrote from his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, on Saturday morning.   

Portland is being watched very closely. 

People for (Fascist) Portland 

Right Wing Republicans 

Try taking over Local Government 

Fail In Spectacular Faux Fashion 


'People for Portland incorporated as a 501(c)(4), the federal tax designation meaning that they did not have to reveal their donors. " 

some donors did choose to identify themselves, including Tim Boyle, the head of Columbia Sportswear.  

Greg Goodman: head of Downtown Development Group, and he’s one of the largest private property owners downtown,  

and he said it’s been a success. He sees it giving officials, especially in the city,  

political cover for things  

they might not think 

 the public supports, ( like out of state bigots, Sedition, attacking Congress, Rifles in Class, Proud Boy escorts....)

 "I think it’s been tremendously successful.  

It’s taken on a life of its own, fascist sedition, 

 and I hope it keeps going. 

 Again, the purpose is to  

create a grassroots army. " 

"former mayor and now current mayoral aide  

Sam Adams, 

he released an idea for a series of  

massive homeless shelters, three 1,000 person sites, 

 to be staffed by National Guards troops and  

PSU social work students. "

Sure, sounds "Gaza in Little Beirut. " 

Child fucker loser. 

Goodman said, yes, 1,000 people is probably too big, but 

 this sort of big thinking, in contrast to the status quo, 

Former Mayor Adams 

 that’s what we want to see more of. " 

Fascist Fantasy and ponzi fraud with Money for Homeless non consumers. 

" the folks behind People for Portland were perhaps going to use the money that they raised for a ballot measure, 

 or perhaps to support  

independent gubernatorial candidate Betsy Johnson " 

(Idaho Secessionist Knight Nazi ) 

"So what’s next for People for Portland?" 

Ellis:  "They say they’re focusing on trash.  Elected Trash like Rene Gonzalez, Dan Ryan. They're stirring millions into Trash."

"Johnson is backed by the same dark money that is 

 infecting all of electoral politics

Nike co-founder Phil Knight, who has often made donations to Republican candidates over the years, has donated nearly $2 million to the Johnson campaign. " 

Billionaire Tim Boyle, CEO of Columbia Sportswear, has donated about $400,000 to Johnson as well. 

 Jordan Schnitzer, deceptively named philanthropist and NIMBY president of Schnitzer Properties, has also donated $125,000 to the Johnson campaign.  

"Top bunk or Lower" 

"firms owned by Lavey and Looper, received a combined $75,000 from the Johnson campaign 

 back in December, while also making a combined $300,000 in contributions to the Johnson campaign" 

'Timber Unity claims to represent the loggers, truckers and other working class rural Oregonians,  

members of Timber Unity have been linked with the events of Jan. 6,  

the QAnon conspiracy theory and other far right groups such as the 

 Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer, 3 Percenters and the Oath Keepers. 

 Though Timber Unity hasn’t endorsed Johnson as a candidate, these past connections shouldn’t be forgotten"

"Trump also threatened in 2020 to withhold federal funds from cities he claimed had “allow[ed] themselves to deteriorate into lawless zones” after that summer’s protests over the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer. 

 In a memo, he specifically mentioned Portland, Seattle and New York City as places where oligarchy reigned, 

 directing the federal government to review the use of federal funds to places that 

 “permit anarchy, violence and destruction in America’s cities”. 

Fascist GOP

Love  the Axis, Are terrified by 

Anti Fascism, NATO, 

Civil Rights, 


And The Constitution.

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