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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Convoluted wire


Case worker, blowing off steam, haven't seen him in months 

I'm not his case 

I'm there for pool, he's watching playoffs, he's tall, I'm stout

I shoot alone awhile and then he plays, ready to kick my ass, let's see it I smile

About the same age we had good conversations now it's mortal combat

He humble but good, denies he's good, every game down to the last ball 

I scratch or miss sitting duck shots 

He calls me a shark, overly humble 

It's a mind game, I sit too often, it's exercise half serious he's frustrated when he wins the game after trailing or witnessing stellar shots 

It's that fantastic beauty at the bar I explain, I was distracted

He goes up and chats with her a minute, she's wyoming but looks like LA model billboard 

I have to work early our last match heart surgery at six, he manages cases 

Think they'll convict Trump he says he doesn't follow the news 

Upside down court may make criminals of a hundred thousand houseless biden will just pardon 

He scratches last break we keep playing, I close out running four of mine and the eight 

Satisfied? Down to the wire 

I gotta look up that saying, it has some origin, good loser poor winner   

it's a convoluted game burp


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