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Wednesday, June 05, 2024

What do you care, fetch is practice




How late will they tolerate 

It's probate

It's just a tax rebate 

Missing months and no action 

Found the ball under redaction 

Months fly by what do they care 

Less money chop suey 

Run out the dog pursuing

Any ump could see 

Any referee 


Gotta pee you gotta pee 

But fledglings are dumb 

Lounge on the lawn yawn 

Not the spawn of attorney

Not sitting in catbird seat tranquility

First install a false advocate 

Dyslexic by habit that's gambit

Past is prologue how I see a pit bull running at my tree 

Perpetual late and a sorry bandaid 

I done bled dry three months ago 

Lick the puddle rich fuck 

Enjoy my show

Squeaky toy gonna squeak 

Take the carcass into next week 

Next month next year 

Grass still growing over festering ear 

The arm unattended 

Chocolate pile up 

Prop up the pillow it's a slow style snuff 

How often you visit 

The PO box 

Me I wear it like my socks 

When it stinking nose'll know it 

Or get a new nose

Your guy from the dead rose

You believe that you gullible

The gull don't fly missing feathers or neck 

Snapped intelligible 

By act or omission it's a game of fetch kvetching 

Find the lil squeaky bitch 

Listening session 

It's under a heap and pattern

Last year driving me crazy late 

The consequences stack up 

Not on your gold plate

You supine flounder in a gilded cage mentality 

Born well off entitled fragility 

We got your number it rings in the craw 

How you treat your family the same as treated ma 

Peckers gonna peck

Parcel peck a pack  of peckers 

Unpacking pipers papers woody would paper over paupers

That's how a failed cult mission 

Goes into remission and cancer come back to fetch a worse nation 

Microcosm in the eye 

Dog way too near 

Best fly lil crow 

Pay up the arrears 

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