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Monday, June 10, 2024

Crow Dog

  Crow Dog was a traditionalist and one of the leaders who helped popularize the Ghost Dance. After receiving a vision, Jerome warned several dancers to stay away from a large gathering of tribes in 1890 thus saving them from being victims of the Wounded Knee Massacre.

The crows dive bomb 

Harangue the dogs and poop scooper owners 

Fly tree to tree to berate 

Commemorate their dead 

I can't turn away can you 

A native mom and her man boy son 

Do counter clockwise lap walks around the dog arena 

Where yuppies and scalawags 

Let their canines show their speed 

They encroachment me on their march against weekdays  

He in a hoodie she overweight with no bra 

Let them be I have music to make 

I'm not on a warpath 

The farmers and the ranchers can be friends with crow dog 

I feed crow and squirrel so what I'm a visitor not a line judge umpire 

Crows yell at them too 

Counting coup gotta have fingers or stories to remember it 

Dog 1 crow 99,999,999

Feel better walk it off 

Crows gonna crow, dog 



You walk how you want 

To walk, fry your dough in buffalo fat 

I poem how I want 

I fry on Sunday making free music 

In a gentrified gravel lot

At the base of holy volcano mtn 

It's not a big mountain 

It's a dormant volcano 

It stay how it wants 

Count your laps county data until solstice 

Count dogs divided by crows  

Meat on a stick the vet sells

Perfumed and combed for parade 

It's a different goose step than mother goose nazi step 

Fetch pronto good boy good girl

Praise obedience servitude instinct 

Microchip and a shredded biscuit treat after 

Helpless birds the ground explores 

Wings folded back packed suitcases 

They just left nest 

They've watched dog from far above seen how mother father flies off

How gangs by beak prevail the frightened meat on stick bones pastel gore-tex wrapped suet 

Kibble from a bag in the garage 

The animal scraps just above hamburger and wiener and spam 

It's expensive at the shop an arm and leg 

It takes a second job for dad mom aunt uncle 

Leaving third grader to surf the web 

A microwave something defrosts for after school self care 

Pets replace the less limbed 

Cat bunny hamster each fit in beak of crow at a certain age 

Small dogs nurse by millions of years habit they're vulnerable too 

Cute as defense doesn't work on crow or for crow 

Ravenous self defines from the nondescript ravenous egg 

They let themselves out 

By numbers multiply  be a good egg 

Only alone all the time 

In nature purpose 

Baby on Board never slowed down yahoo going to work, hunt, drink 

Baby on Board doesn't clean the forever chemicals from the binkie 

The ghost shirt cult short-lived

The NRA short lived

The binkie cult went back to nipple 

Ideas pierce the hide regardless of teflon badge 

Make thyself undigestible is great but lots of death don't eat 

It subsumes or grows by interpolation

Baby on Board CEO leads the baby where 

To imagine safety

Baby crow relies on flock teaching and guidance and luck 

Tell it like it is 

Not how you wish things were 

Dog the dodge caravan mini death 

The ghost shirt deserving of museum 

The vote a good leash we forgot needs a handle 

Restraint and a path to the vet 

Free of cars 

SE Portland 

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