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Saturday, June 01, 2024

Moral deflation semi, forever prenup

" Topo Chico was found in 2020 to contain high levels of forever chemicals in comparison to other brands.  

In 2021, Topo Chico claimed it had reduced its forever chemicals by over 50 percent. " 

That's only 50% less forever toxic 

 leading to 100% Death.

"Texas accounts for 70 percent of all Topo Chico sales in the U.S., according to, but is it good for you? 

 Turns out, the answer is sure kinda. Topo Chico is a zero-calorie mineral water that helps assist in the digestive process and 

 could also help with hangovers.Oct 11, 2019. Is that good if you're an alcoholic?" 


God Got Me is her hat as she chews pretzel sticks out of a clear cup in priority seating the bus offers.

Their grocery cart festooned with racoons tails glittery doodads; n-between tails is a knotted American Flag, hm that's respect for sweatbands 

I abstain/refrain from the plethora 

 public comments to opt for poetry.  Hong Kong Israel and Russia can bot-chuckle 

This is our army, varicose tattoos and armed with slogans from China.

God Got Teflon guts 

In Dupont Circle .


I need some violin strings. Full sized. 

Thanks, I'll take the receipt keep the penny. 

Six feet to exit, a young woman says 

Thank you to an employee 

Showing her an amp to plug in to test a guitar. 

'It's literally my job.  "

I thought saying " you're welcome"

Or 'no problem" would be the job in customer relations.  




I never promised you a rose garden

Nor a swarm of Godot's locusts 

Read between the lines 

It's thorny cultivating long distance servitude 

Down on my knees in prayer 

Sincerity fertilizer the paved way to prosperity

A bouquet tomorrow for a stroll today 

Goes great with mutton 

Goats eschew roses in every form their product eliciting further blooms 

Don't be nosy in your own beeswax 

It's hard to replace the spited  face we present every other day 

Roses like look good against black any type of rose or white 

I never rose to the occasion to plant roses 

But you signed in contrast to swearing 

Cross my heart and forever 50% 

Is that a thing, now?

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