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Friday, June 21, 2024

Not a perfect spot


 Count leaf shakes 

 and breeze rivers as merge disperses 

Tally dally it's not solstice anymore 

Each to their own means ends 

Continually, the stillness 

As conditions abruptly collapse 

Even coffee fail 

Myriad bugs distract, the tiniest legs 

Make skin itch or bite eating our dessicated hides 

I tire of philosophical debates with self 

And end that miniscule giant 

It won my attention 

Its glory, annihilation    

Catching up on sleep deprived 

Sunlight finds way twixt branches 

It's not a perfect spot I've assumed 

If there's some shame red on cheek 

Or elbow where day gained down upon my siesta 

Grant me breeze to cool that unfortunate spot 

And shoo all critter picnic on my rest 


They found some old wine 

In vases with cremated remains 

The soul not thirsty but quenched 

Teams of scientists their cheerleader media assemble 

When in Rome stir the pot and gulp 

Our bouquet earthy 

It dances on the tongue in 300 languages

Each a facsimile that artificial writing coughed up 

Notes of death or alchemy appertif

A models hand display the urn

A scientist model

The baby mammoth some conniseur 

Finicky over resurrected vintage 

When in lab, splice as the genome invites

It comes from a time less digital 

Say our electron crowbars and chanters 

What's a little bone in ones punch

But a new party umbrella 

To display with the olive sword 

And swizzle wand on the dashboard with old lottery tickets  


Into the big Asian grocery to buy citrus 

The security person follows me around as I shop my 18 dollars 

At the counter she's two feet away as they process my food card 

It's not that difficult excuse me I move her away stepping forward to complete transaction

She's profiled me my 200 dollar shoes are bare my jeans clean 

My face clean shaved 

She's ugly but will I mention her to the Manager 

Just this poem 

I drink a pbr waiting for the bus 

The naked bike ride passes I wave and smile put down my phone 

I see a bike come join us 

They're beautiful in every sense 

They wave back, things can change quickly if your fig leaf  

Shakes as the breeze lets it 

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