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Friday, June 07, 2024

Bannon Meat Dripping in Fear


'There’s nothing that can shut me up and nothing that will shut me up,” he said, 

 as an agitator with a “lock them up” sign 

 yelled over Bannon that he was going to jail.  

“There is not a prison built or a jail built that will ever shut me up.”


How about a smart woman with a pork chop laced with qualudes and razor blades stuffs them in your soggy diapers and you got jock itch from all the maga ball sucking frenzy, you gonna shut up. 

How about an unbuilt jail personified as an orphanage for nuclear waste drives a dump truck of molten radioactive glass up to your jowls and dumps it lickedy split, will that shut you up or greaten the quietude of your fascist overbearing sissy cry. 

What if no one cares if you shut up as your 4 month rot finds a timeless little crevice to hatch cancer from the crimes you embody in that absurd sadist laboratory you see as an agenda for mutation. 

Cry cry Steve, Every Trump Judge gonna follow Law and throw your blob to some cush bunker so you can lose a few pounds, get more sunlight, read your second book in the past decade, and be forced to pray while running the laundry for 1000 other criminals.  

Contempt suits you so do the time like a human if not a man. 

"Fin whales, the second-largest mammal in the world, are listed as vulnerable to extinction on the red list of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. 

Patrick Ramage, director of the International Fund for Animal Welfare, said: 

 “It’s hard to fathom how and why this green light to kill 128 fin whales is being given.  

“There is clearly no way to kill a whale at sea without inflicting unthinkable cruelty.”

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