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Tuesday, June 25, 2024






To paint draw first

 I tire of violin the fiddle 

Tires of me, I change my tune to a somber key, 

I mix it up like a  salad capri 

Fanned out drizzled in oil a basil sprig hat 

 I think we just ate that 

 In Some other form

It's not irish it's celtic it's not traditional it's under copyright  

It's pizza no gluten 

Mozz tom mozz tom olio e sal 

no disputing it looks healthy 

Folk and roll the green room swag 

No room in the woods for the 

Dissonant stag 


The local agenda it syncs national 

It could never happen here 

Wanna bet 

As long as you shrug at nike running the city and the college  and the college city and paying no taxes and funding the worst GOP coast to coast 

Gump gonna Gump right past the sweatshops with $12 ice cream cones 

Get in line to melt

Ballcap party of five 

Just visiting little beirut B4 we're razed like gaza to reinvent stump town as 

A christian consumer camp for borderline oligarch athletics fans 

It used to be a great place to live or visit instead of a virtual idea in search of a public toilet   


I got the no hate button 

A slash thru hate emblem it's not very cheery I can see why you'd be leery 

Handsome old white cis male

What's my problem status quo 

Don't it fetch for me as I drag my bow 

Happy kinda 4 string sounds 

I make it look easy look again I fake the grin 

Since 4 yer parents born 

I was twinkle twinkle on a stage 

My mom and dad made thirty thousand a year their house 12 grand  

 3 acre spread

Doing scales at university 

Do re mi fa la 

Pops taught little Okies how to paint first draw 

Ma taught Blake Frost and Chaucer Blake Frost Wordsworth 

Half the class got naps those that kept awake were top of  class.

I saw a chapel (William Blake)


 I saw a chapel all of gold

That none did dare to enter in 

And many weeping stood without 

Weeping mourning worshipping

I saw a serpent rise between

The white pillars of the door 

And he forcd & forcd & forcd 

Down the golden hinges tore 

And along the pavement sweet 

Set with pearls and rubies bright 

All his slimy length he drew

Till upon the altar white

Vomiting his poison out

On the bread & on the wine

So I turnd into a sty

And laid me down among the swine 

Circa 1799


The playroom


Every room was a playroom
Even in the gallery the girls would walk their doll strollers or make nests for stuffed animals on the couches 
Open 7 days a week for 3 years straight 


Monday, June 24, 2024

Today it wilts


"During the boom, several Creek Indian land allotment owners became millionaires; Oklahoma became the world's largest oil producer for years;

 and the area benefited from the generation of more wealth than the California Gold Rush and Nevada Silver Rush combined,  

as well as the increased investment capital and industrial infrastructure the boom brought with it. 

The Glenn Pool Oil Reserve held an estimated 1 billion bbls of oil in place, with ultimate recoverable reserves of 400+ million bbls.

The field grew from 80 acres to 8,000 acres during the first year. By 1907, natural flowing oil production ranged from 18,000,000 barrels (2,900,000 m3) to 20,000,000 barrels (3,200,000 m3) per year 

Total field production by 1907 exceeded 43,520,000 barrels (6,919,000 m3), making Oklahoma that year the leading producer of oil 

 not only in the US, but any country in the world. 

 The area experienced a huge economic boom. Prices for basic goods and services, however, soared in the area 

As of 2019, the field has produced more than 340,000,000 barrels (54,000,000 m3) of oil."  

(He was an assistant city attorney in Okla. City. He was with Shell Oil in Tulsa '35-'45. ) 

'Cushing is a major trading hub for crude oil and a price settlement point for West Texas Intermediate on the New York Mercantile Exchange and is known as the "Pipeline Crossroads of the World." 


During the 1970s and 1980s refining operations continued in Cushing until the last two refineries, Kerr-McGee and Hudson, closed. Rail service ended in 1982. 

 As the oil fields started to run dry, starting in the 1940s, production and refining became less important.

The town retained a great asset in the Shell pipeline terminal, with 39 storage tanks and pipelines that could move as much as 1.5 million barrels a day.  

The maze of pipelines and tanks that had been built led to the NYMEX choosing 

 Cushing as the official delivery point

 for its light sweet crude futures contract in 1983." 

Crude oil tank farms around Cushing have over 90 million barrels of storage capacity. 

(While Cushing has maximum storage of about 90 million barrels across 15 terminals, working storage is closer to 76 million barrels, about 

 13% of total U.S. oil storage capacity.) 

Pipelines with connections at Cushing include:[9]

Basin Oil Pipeline, operated by Plains All American Pipeline, flows from Wichita Falls, Texas connecting various fields in Texas.

Centurion Pipeline, flows from Permian Basin fields in west Texas and southeast New Mexico.

Hawthorn Pipeline, operated by Hawthorn Oil Transportation, a 17-mile pipeline from Stroud, Oklahoma where a rail unloading facility receives oil from Stanley, North Dakota for EOG Resources.[10][11][12]

Glass Mountain Pipeline, operated by Rose Rock Midstream (Energy Transfer LP), flows from fields in west and north-central Oklahoma.

Great Salt Plains Pipeline, operated by JP Energy, flows from fields around Cherokee, Oklahoma, formerly owned by Parnon Gathering.[13][14]

Keystone Pipeline, operated by TransCanada, flows from Hardisty, Alberta (Canada) to an intermediary hub in Cushing to Port Arthur, Texas. It has a maximum capacity of 590,000 barrels per day (94,000 m3/d). Another Keystone termination is located at the oil tank farm near Patoka, Illinois.[15][16]

Mississippian Lime Pipeline, operated by Plains All American Pipeline, flows from fields in northern Oklahoma and southern Kansas.

PAA Medford Pipeline, operated by Plains All American Pipeline, from fields around Medford, Oklahoma.

Pony Express Pipeline, operated by Tallgrass Energy Partners, flows from fields around Guernsey, Wyoming. It connects to the Ponca City Refinery. It has a capacity of 230,000 barrels per day (37,000 m3/d) and capable of increasing to 400,000 barrels per day (64,000 m3/d).

Seaway Pipeline, a dual pipeline operated by Enbridge and Enterprise Products, flows out to Freeport, Texas. It has a maximum capacity of 850,000 barrels per day (135,000 m3/d).

SemCrude Pipeline System, operated by Rose Rock Midstream (Energy Transfer LP), flows from fields in Kansas and northern Oklahoma.

Spearhead Pipelines, operated by Enbridge, is a pipeline that flows from the Enbridge Mainline System near Flanagan, Illinois. It has a maximum capacity of 125,000 barrels per day (19,900 m3/d).[17] A second pipeline, Flanagan South, parallels the Spearhead. A third Enbridge pipeline connects to the Wood River Refinery in Roxana, Illinois.[18]

White Cliffs Pipeline, operated by Rose Rock Midstream, flows from fields around Platteville, Colorado. 

In October 2014 two moderate-sized earthquakes (Mw 4.0 and 4.3) struck south of Cushing, below one of the largest crude oil storage facility and gas pipeline transportation hubs in the world. The system also includes operational sections of the Keystone pipeline.[32]

On 6 November 2016, around 7:44 pm, a 5.0 MW earthquake rattled north-central Oklahoma. The quake was centered one mile west of Cushing.[6] It was the sixth 5.0 magnitude or higher to strike the state since 1882. Three of those larger quakes occurred in 2016, and the strongest ever recorded in Oklahoma was a 5.8 magnitude that hit Pawnee (25 miles from Cushing) in September 

The number of 3.0 magnitude quakes rose from 2 in 2008 to 889 in 2015, according to USGS statistics. In 2016, there have been 572 (up to November). 

 "The oil companies have said for a long time that these are natural earthquakes, that they would have occurred anyway," Choy said, "but when you look at the statistics, that argument does not fly",_Oklahoma 


"Three years ago, Native Americans in Oklahoma rejoiced when the Supreme Court ruled that the eastern half of Oklahoma is on tribal land, and that the state could not bring criminal prosecutions for crimes on Indian land without the consent of the Indian tribes. 

 But on Wednesday, the court narrowed that decision, prompting an angry dissent from Justice Neil Gorsuch, the author of the 2019 decision, and an ardent proponent of Indian rights. 

In the aftermath of the court's 2019 decision, the state was no longer empowered to prosecute those accused of committing crimes on Indian territory.  

Only the tribal courts, or the federal government, could do that, and the tribal courts were generally not authorized to prosecute non-Indians. 

 According to the federal government, effect of that decision was a 400% increase in federal prosecutions from 2020 to 2021, with many people either not held accountable or receiving lighter sentences in plea deals. 

Chuck Hoskin, Jr., the principal chief of the Cherokee Nation, said that unlike previous governors, Stitt has been unwilling to work cooperatively with the tribes. 

Justice Gorsuch, who usually is part of the court's most conservative bloc, instead voted with the court's three liberals.  

In a scathing dissent, he recounted the famous decision, written by chief Justice John Marshall in 1832, which barred the state of Georgia from throwing some 100,000 Cherokee Indians off their land.  

The decision was for naught, though, because both Georgia and President Andrew Jackson flouted it, leading to the Indian Trail of Tears en route to newly designated Indian reservations west of the Mississippi River." 

As Gorsuch recounted the history, that 1832 decision, though defied at the time, came to be recognized as one of the Supreme Court's "finer hours," and for 200 years stood for the proposition that Native American tribes retain their sovereignty unless and until Congress ordains otherwise. 

 "Where this court stood firm then," Gorsuch said, 

 "today it wilts." 

"The Sunrise Dance is a celebration of puberty endowing girls with blessings from God and their community. It is one of the few Apache rituals that has survived the Indigenous genocide that resulted in the death of as many as 15 million Native Americans over the last 500 years.

The dance is sacred both because of its origin and the spiritual impact it has on a girl’s life."

Sunday, June 23, 2024

The life and times of archy and mehitable






Remember when you wanted a car 

In kindergarten?  An actual car.

"Archy and Mehitabel (styled as archy and mehitabel) are fictional characters created in 1916 by Don Marquis, a columnist for The Evening Sun newspaper in New York City. 

 Archy, a cockroach, and Mehitabel, an alley cat, appeared in hundreds of humorous verses and short stories in Marquis's daily column, "The Sun Dial". 

 Their exploits were first collected in the 1927 book archy and mehitabel, which remains in print today, and in two later volumes, archys life of mehitabel (1933) and archy does his part (1935). 

 Many editions are recognized by their distinctive illustrations by George Herriman, the creator of Krazy Kat." 

"American singer-songwriter Jolie Holland included a song titled "Mehitabel's Blues" on her 2006 album Springtime Can Kill You." 

"On August 23, 1943, the United States Navy christened a Liberty ship, the USS Don Marquis (IX-215), in his honor. " 

"USS Don Marquis (IX-215), an unclassified miscellaneous vessel, was the only ship of the United States Navy to be named for that writer, poet, and artist. Her keel was laid down by the California Shipbuilding Corporation, in Los Angeles, California, as a Type EC2-S-C1 hull under Maritime Commission contract number 1874.  She was launched on 23 August 1943. She was acquired and placed in service by the Navy on 31 May 1945. She was employed as 

 dry floating storage 

 in the Pacific until returned to the War Shipping Administration on 28 November 1945. Don Marquis was stricken from the Naval Vessel Register on 5 June 1946. 


4,023 long tons (4,088 t) light

14,250 long tons (14,479 t) full


441 ft 7 in (134.59 m)" 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Body Snatchers Other Items

"Invasion of the Body Snatchers is a 1978 American science-fiction horror film[1] directed by Philip Kaufman, and starring  

Donald Sutherland, 

 Brooke Adams, Veronica Cartwright, Jeff Goldblum, and Leonard Nimoy. 

 Released on December 22, 1978, it is based on the 1955 novel The Body Snatchers by Jack Finney. The novel was previously adapted into the 1956 film of the same name.  

The plot involves a San Francisco health inspector and his colleague who over the course of a few days discover that humans are being replaced by alien duplicates; 

 each is a perfect biological clone of the person replaced, but 

 devoid of empathy and humanity." 


RIP Donald Sutherland.  

I saw this when it came out in 1978. Man was it scary.

"It's not a caper it's a rat turd!" 

Donald the health inspector in a NY kitchen. 

The obvious parallel with modern times is the Cell Phone. People stare at their gadget everywhere. Probably in church, I wouldn't know. At the park, with their children. Walking their dog. 

Sitting like I'm doing now. Shopping. Self entertaining. We can hide from news or embrace whatever distraction we please. Saudi golf galas. Arguing to no end over over everything. Distraction DUI of the celebrity. Record breaking heat and massive flooding, yawn, not in the mood. 

It's not a communist conspiracy, Invasion of the Body Snatchers. It is fascism however. It's happened, it's happening, it turns as the world turns, a guiding light. 

Fascism, private ownership of government, corporate rule, misogyny, class warfare, anti intellectualism, glorification of violence, sponsoring genocide, racism, consumer worship. 



"Britain’s richest family sentenced to jail for exploiting staff in Swiss mansion 

Household staff were paid a salary of between 220 and 400 Swiss francs (£195-£350) a month, far below what they could otherwise expect to earn in Switzerland. 

With interests in oil and gas, banking and healthcare, the Hinduja Group is present in 38 countries and 

 employs about 200,000 people." 


Israeli forces strap wounded Palestinian to jeep during raid 


Shutting Afghan women out of key UN conference to appease Taliban ‘a betrayal’

Group allegedly demanding Afghan participation in Doha meeting this month be limited to men and that 

 women’s rights be excluded from the agenda  

Since taking power in Afghanistan in August 2021, the Taliban have restricted women’s access to education, employment and public spaces.  

In March, it was reported that they would reintroduce the public flogging and stoning of women for adultery.


"Ginsburg was Jewish, as are Breyer and Kagan.  

Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Sotomayor, and Kavanaugh are Catholic. 

 Justice Gorsuch is Episcopalian, but is a “fallen away” Catholic.'

"For its first 180 years, justices were almost always white male Protestants of Anglo or Northwestern European descent" 

"Liu found that among federal appellate judges, 45.1 percent were Protestant, 28.2 percent were Catholic, 19 percent were Jewish, and 5.1 percent were Mormon." 

"He was bragging amongst executives about how great the guy was and he was a real gentleman and so neat and clean and then he looked at a couple of our executives who happen to be Jewish, and he said,  

Watch out for this guy, he sort of remembers the ovens,’ 

 and then smiled,” said Res, who left her role in 1998 after she claimed Trump mistreated her and other employees.

The comment left the group dumbfounded according to Res.

“Everybody was shocked,” she said. “I cannot believe he said that..

 He was making a joke about the Nazi ovens and eating people.” 

 Google omits 2 of 9 SCOTUS Justices . "More Items" takes the place of simply listing Justices. One is a black woman. 

One is white woman." 

Other ITEMS. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Not a perfect spot


 Count leaf shakes 

 and breeze rivers as merge disperses 

Tally dally it's not solstice anymore 

Each to their own means ends 

Continually, the stillness 

As conditions abruptly collapse 

Even coffee fail 

Myriad bugs distract, the tiniest legs 

Make skin itch or bite eating our dessicated hides 

I tire of philosophical debates with self 

And end that miniscule giant 

It won my attention 

Its glory, annihilation    

Catching up on sleep deprived 

Sunlight finds way twixt branches 

It's not a perfect spot I've assumed 

If there's some shame red on cheek 

Or elbow where day gained down upon my siesta 

Grant me breeze to cool that unfortunate spot 

And shoo all critter picnic on my rest 


They found some old wine 

In vases with cremated remains 

The soul not thirsty but quenched 

Teams of scientists their cheerleader media assemble 

When in Rome stir the pot and gulp 

Our bouquet earthy 

It dances on the tongue in 300 languages

Each a facsimile that artificial writing coughed up 

Notes of death or alchemy appertif

A models hand display the urn

A scientist model

The baby mammoth some conniseur 

Finicky over resurrected vintage 

When in lab, splice as the genome invites

It comes from a time less digital 

Say our electron crowbars and chanters 

What's a little bone in ones punch

But a new party umbrella 

To display with the olive sword 

And swizzle wand on the dashboard with old lottery tickets  


Into the big Asian grocery to buy citrus 

The security person follows me around as I shop my 18 dollars 

At the counter she's two feet away as they process my food card 

It's not that difficult excuse me I move her away stepping forward to complete transaction

She's profiled me my 200 dollar shoes are bare my jeans clean 

My face clean shaved 

She's ugly but will I mention her to the Manager 

Just this poem 

I drink a pbr waiting for the bus 

The naked bike ride passes I wave and smile put down my phone 

I see a bike come join us 

They're beautiful in every sense 

They wave back, things can change quickly if your fig leaf  

Shakes as the breeze lets it 


Monday, June 17, 2024

Mesa 2002



Great Reputation


"They’re great people. Great people with a great reputation. I have to say that,” Trump said. “Great reputation." 

"They’re great people.  

Great people with a great reputation.  

I have to say that,” Trump said. 

 “Great reputation." 

"They’re great pedophiles.

Great perverts with a great reputation.

" I have to say that,” Trump said. “Great Republicans." 


"They’re great people.  

Great people with a great reputation. 


"I have to say that,” Trump said.  "

“Great reputation." 

"Robert Morris, a founding pastor of the Dallas-based Gateway megachurch, was accused by an Oklahoma woman of sexual abuse in the 1980s, beginning when she was 12 and continuing until the age of 16." 

her own statement to the Christian Post, the victim of the assault said she was “appalled” at the description of her as a “young lady” and said the repeated abuse had taken decades for her to process.  

Morris was never criminally charged and by the time his accuser decided to explore legal action 

she was advised the statute of limitations for criminal or civil action had probably expired."



"Five of the world’s biggest banks are “greenwashing” their role in the destruction of the Amazon, according to a report that indicates that their environmental and social guidelines fail to cover more than 70% of the rainforest. 

"The banks try to wash their hands of the blame through vague policies but must be held accountable for the damage their money is causing to Amazonian Indigenous peoples and the biodiversity of the rainforest..

 Not a single drop of Amazon oil has been extracted with the consent of Indigenous peoples.  "

We demand 


JPMorgan Chase,  

Itaú Unibanco 

, Santander and 

 Bank of America  

to end oil and gas financing.”

