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Friday, September 20, 2024

Nazi Republican Party Values


"Slavery is not bad. Some people need to be slaves.  

I wish they would bring it [slavery] back. I would certainly buy a few,” he wrote in October 2010.  

In March 2012, during the Obama administration, it was claimed he wrote: 

 “I’d take Hitler 

 over any of the shit 

 that’s in Washington right now!”" 

Republican Mark Robinson, North Carolina.  Trump 2. 

The North Carolina Republican party is standing by him. 

 “Mark Robinson has categorically denied the allegations made by CNN but that won’t stop the Left from trying to demonize him" 



"almost 10,000 Palestinians are held in Israeli detention, a 200% increase from recent years.

Among them are approximately 8,000 Palestinians classified as “security” detainees – 

 citizens of Israel and residents of the occupied West Bank, including Jerusalem, held either under military or criminal law.  

More than 30% of administrative detainees are held without charge or trial, 

 in prison facilities managed by the Israeli Prison Service (IPS).  

According to the report, inmates are subjected to widespread physical and mental abuses. "

"Cohen was one of the few Jewish children who survived the Holocaust in the Budapest ghetto. Nearly 80,000 Jews were killed in the Hungarian capital, shot on the banks of the Danube and then thrown into the water. 

Prof Veronika Cohen holds vigil with friends to draw attention to poor treatment of Palestinian prisoners " 

"Donald Trump in which the former US 


"With all I have done for Israel, I received only 24 percent of the Jewish vote,”  

Trump said during his earlier speech on Thursday, at a campaign event where he spoke to an audience of prominent Republican Jews — including Miriam Adelson, 

 the megadonor who is a major Trump benefactor — and lawmakers.  

Mr. Trump added that  

“I really haven’t been treated very well, but it’s the story of my life.”

'Mr. Trump made no mention of Mark Robinson, the lieutenant governor of North Carolina. Mr. Robinson, the Republican nominee for governor,  

came under fire as CNN reported that on a pornographic forum, he had once called himself a “black NAZI”  

and defended slavery.  

Mr. Trump once endorsed him and called him “Martin Luther King on steroids.” 


"Miriam Adelson  

(née Farbstein; born 10 October 1945) is an Israeli-American physician and political donor. She was married to Sheldon Adelson from 1991 until his death in 2021.  

After his death, she became the owner of the Las Vegas Sands  

and as of August 2024, is estimated to be the fifth richest woman in America with a net worth of US$30 billion. "

"Adelson is the richest Israeli in the world and the 52nd richest person in the world according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, while Forbes places her as the 65th."

Adelson is a political megadonor to the Republican Party and one of the largest supporters of Donald Trump, who awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2018. "

" Adelson has been a major donor to Trump's presidential campaigns, as well as his 2017 presidential inauguration  

and his legal defense fund against the Mueller investigation into Russian interference." 

"In response to the October 7, 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel, Adelson published an Op-Ed in Forbes Israel, entitled "Dead to Us".  

Referring to wave of pro-Palestinian protests occurring across various western cities and countries, Adelson stated that 

 "Those ghastly gatherings of radical  

Muslim and Black Lives Matter activists,  


and career agitators  

were nothing short of street parties. .

These people are not our critics. They are our enemies, 

 the ideological enablers in the West of those who would go to any length to eradicate us from the Middle East. And, as such, they should be dead to us" 


"Since buying a majority stake in the Dallas Mavericks, Adelson has been advocating for 

 greater legalization of gambling in Texas, 

 in order to build a casino in the state." 

"She has written that Trump "should enjoy sweeping support" among U.S. Jews and Israelis, and that  

Trump deserves a "Book of Trump" in the Bible due to his support for Israel. 

 She pushed for the pardon of Aviem Sella who spied against America" 

Aviem Sella  

(Hebrew: אביאם סלע, born January 7, 1946) 

 is an Israeli businessman and former commander in the Israeli Air Force. In 1987, he was charged in absentia on three counts of espionage 

 for recruiting Jonathan Pollard, 

 who served a 30-year sentence for spying on the United States for Israel. 

 U.S. President Donald Trump pardoned Sella 

 during the morning of January 20, 2021,  

before Trump left office later in the day." 


"In 1984, Pollard sold numerous state secrets, 

 including the National Security Agency's ten-volume manual on how the U.S. gathers its signal intelligence 

 and disclosed the names of thousands of people 

 who had cooperated with U.S. intelligence agencies"  

"The Israeli government acknowledged a portion of its role in Pollard's espionage in 1987, and issued a formal apology to the U.S., but did not admit to paying him until 1998 . 

Opposing any form of clemency were many active and retired U.S. officials, including 

 Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, former CIA director George Tenet; several former U.S. Secretaries of Defense; a bi-partisan group of U.S. congressional leaders; and members of the U.S. intelligence community. 

 They maintained that the damage to U.S. national security due to Pollard's espionage was much more severe, wide-ranging, and enduring than acknowledged publicly." 

"Since relocating to Israel, Pollard has endorsed Itamar Ben-Gvir and 

 advocated a population transfer to 

 relocate Gaza's Arabs to Ireland."  


"The Vanity Fair article details allegations that Kennedy made physical advances with Cooney on multiple occasions, including rubbing her leg under a table and approaching her from behind and then running his hands on her body and breasts."  

but conceded that “I’m not a church boy.” 

"Like Donald Trump, RFK Jr. is not only plagued by scandal and a closet full of skeletons, but 

 he has no shame or regard for the women he assaulted and harassed.”

'In July 2023, a video surfaced of Kennedy making false claims that Covid-19 was “ethnically targeted”  

to attack Black people and white people while sparing  

Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people, while Kennedy has also claimed that 

 wifi causes “leaky brain”.

He has also linked antidepressants to school shootings, and in 2023 he claimed that  

chemicals in water are making children transgender. " 

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