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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Hate Group Terrorism sponsored by Koch

 "Emil’ Keme, a professor in the Native American and Indigenous Studies program, was also on the flyer. 

 An Indigenous K’iche’ Maya scholar  

and one of only two Indigenous tenured faculty members at Emory,  

Keme told the Guardian that he came to the US as a teenager from Guatemala,  

escaping “a civil war against my people … involving the Guatemalan army, who  

received training from Israelis”." 

'Noëlle McAfee, chairperson of Emory’s philosophy department and also featured on the flyer,  

sent an email Tuesday afternoon to Brad Slutsky, Emory’s general counsel, 

 asking what the university “will do to notify the [Campus Reform] organization that it is has violated our rules and, 

 absent any invitation from any member of the campus community, is not welcome here”.

McAfee said the flyer is defaming students and faculty mentioned by calling them “anti-Israel”  

and claiming that all those arrested were involved in “setting up an encampment”. “There’s no evidence [of this],” she said. “The whole thing is lies.” 

"If you go around handing out flyers with people’s names and pictures, drawing negative attention to them,” he said, “it’s very clear you want to cause harm to them – physically, emotionally or psychologically.” 

"Campus Reform, a national group of  (fascist) conservative students, 

 put its logo on the flyer, which refers to arrests made during last April’s protests seeking Emory divestment from Israel. " 

"The Leadership Institute, funded by the Koch family  

and others, runs the group"   

"One of the students who appears on the flyer spoke to the Guardian on condition of anonymity, due to safety concerns.  

She recounted how she approached the campus quad or central plaza on the morning of 25 April  

to observe last semester’s protest, then only several hours old.  

“I was there two minutes  

when a police officer 

 came up behind me,  

grabbed my hands and put zip ties on me,” she said."  


"Lisa Wright, the chair of the union’s bargaining committee and an employee of 23 years at the SPLC, was one of the employees impacted by the layoffs."

“Shock, horror, confusion. It’s been sloppy, dispassionate, inhumane. 

 It has been the absolute  

opposite of what the organization 

 says they stand for and absolute chaos since then,” Wright said" 

"This was designed with trauma as a feature, not a bug – to keep us confused, hopeless, afraid, divided" 

"Thereatha Redding, an employee at SPLC for nearly three years and a union steward, worked in Stewart county, Georgia,  

one of the poorest counties in the state, 

 providing legal services to immigrants held at an ICE detention center.  

She and the entire legal team were laid off  

and no communication or support was offered to the community members who rely on their services, she said."  


2023, CharityWatch initially gave SPLC a grade of B based on its 2021 financials. 

 CharityWatch, however, downgrades all charities that "hoard" donations, 

 which per CharityWatch's definition occurs whenever "a charity's available assets in reserve exceeds three years' worth its annual budget." 

 In particular, CharityWatch automatically "downgrades to an F rating any charity holding available assets in reserve equal to 5 years or more of its annual budget." 

 In accordance with this policy, on 3 February 2023 


 downgraded SPLC from B to F 

 because it had 7.3 years of available assets in reserve, 

 it spent 68% of its funds on programs, and it cost $20 to raise $100.  


"In the richest country on earth it’s absurd that 75% of seniors who need hearing aids don’t have them, 65% of seniors don’t have dental insurance and eyeglass frames manufactured for as little as $10 cost over $230.  

Some 84% of Americans – including 83% of Republicans – want to expand Medicare to cover dental, hearing and vision.  

The vice-president should run on this.

At a time when about half of American households over the age of 55 have no retirement savings 

 and one out of five seniors is trying to live on less than $13,500 a year, 

 we must expand social security so that everyone in this country can retire with the dignity they have earned and everyone with a disability can live with the security they need. 

 We can do that by lifting the cap on social security taxes, so that the very wealthy pay the same tax rate as working-class families.

The American people are united in supporting these popular ideas.  They are important policies.  They are winning politics.  And they are particularly popular in the battleground states that Harris needs to win.

In other words: campaigning on an economic agenda that speaks to the needs of working families is a winning formula for Kamala Harris and Democrats in November.

By embracing bold ideas that address the day-to-day crises facing America’s working families, Harris can not only win the White House, but create a Democratic party that is responsive to the needs of ordinary Americans."

*Bernie Sanders is a US Senator and chairman of the health education labor and pensions committee. He represents the state of Vermont, and is the longest-serving independent in the history of Congress. *  


"from mid-2020 to mid-2022, corporate profits rose by 75% – five times as fast as inflation. "

"In Texas, for example, where the attorney general has the power to take on companies that 

 unfairly exploit state residents, .

the governor regularly touts the state as the best place to do business in the country. " 

"In New York, the state was able to punish Walgreens for taking advantage of customers during the infant formula crisis when supply chain issues reduced the availability of baby formula across the country. 

 In North Carolina, the attorney general won a series of cases against companies that gouged consumers following hurricanes. 

 In both Kentucky and Idaho, companies were held accountable for artificially forcing up gas prices in the wake of pipeline closures."  

"Our bill would apply this standard to massive corporations that exploit consumers while  

specifically protecting small businesses under $100m in earnings that don’t have the same power to set prices."  

Bob Casey is a US senator representing the state of Pennsylvania 

"In January 2024, Casey voted against a resolution proposed by Senator Bernie Sanders to apply the human rights provisions 

 of the Foreign Assistance Act to U.S. aid to Israel's military.  

The proposal was defeated, 72 to 11." 

"Casey expressed support for the confirmation of both John Roberts and Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court of the United States; both were believed to be in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade." 

"Casey voted to confirm both Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court of the United States." 

"In March 2017, Casey voted against confirming Neil Gorsuch  

to the Supreme Court, citing "real concerns" about Gorsuch's "rigid and restrictive" judicial philosophy and some of his past opinions on issues relating to the health and safety of workers and the rights of those with disabilities. 

 He also voted against the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. 

On October 23, 2020, Casey voted against the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court."

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