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Monday, September 02, 2024

outlived six of his successors in the vice presidency

 " I would hire a public relations agent to get less publicity,” Donald John trump said. 


'On July 4, 1891, Hamlin collapsed and fell unconscious while playing cards at the Tarratine Club he founded in downtown Bangor, and died there a few hours later, at the age of 81. 

 He was buried in the Hamlin family plot at Mount Hope Cemetery in Bangor.  

He outlived six of his successors in the vice presidency (Andrew Johnson, Schuyler Colfax, Henry Wilson, William A. Wheeler, Chester A. Arthur, and Thomas A. Hendricks), more than any other U.S. vice president.  

He was also the third American Vice President to die on Independence Day."  

"According to folklore, Hamlin's life was saved when he was an infant by a Native American medicine woman named Molly Ockett. 

 Hamlin was gravely ill and Ockett prescribed that he be given warm cow's milk, after which he recovered."

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