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Friday, September 20, 2024

NATO, Unions, Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno


"We've never invoked Taft-Hartley to break a strike  

and are not considering doing so now," the Biden administration official told Reuters."   


"Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno is a Latin phrase that means 

 One for all, all for one. 

 It is the unofficial motto of Switzerland.  

This attitude is epitomized in the character of Arnold von Winkelried. A French version, Un pour tous, tous pour un, was made famous by Alexandre Dumas in the 1844 novel The Three Musketeers"


"Collective defence means that an attack against one Ally is considered as an attack against all Allies."  


"The National Retail Federation on Tuesday led a group of 177 trade associations representing retailers like 

 Walmart  (Made in China Inc.)

(WMT.N), opens new tab, manufacturers, farmers, automakers and truckers "  

"Last summer, Biden dispatched Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su to help negotiate a crucial contract deal between U.S. West Coast seaport employers and their union workers, following labor disruptions at some busy California port terminals.

Both sides had agreed to keep talking after their July 1, 2022, deadline because the 

 COVID pandemic cargo boom was jamming up critical supply chains and 

 stoking inflation." 


"Port of New York/New Jersey executives tell CNBC they are preparing for a complete work stoppage by the International Longshoremen's Association, the largest union in North America. 

The ILA represents over 85,000 port workers, and a strike would shut down five of the 10 busiest ports in North America, and a total of 36 ports along the East and Gulf coasts. 

Close to half (43%-49%) of all monthly U.S. imports would be impacted, representing billions of dollars in trade, and logistics firms are preparing contingency plans last used during Covid and 2018 tariffs. 

Currently, there is an estimated $34 billion in freight in route to these ports on 147 ocean vessels."  

"in recent months there has been an exodus of cargo from the East to West Coast in anticipation of a potential strike." 

'the last ILA strike, in 1977, when Daggett was among ILA members who traveled to the West Coast during the 44-day strike to make sure West Coast port workers supported its efforts." 

"Congestion levels are already being forecast by the maritime industry. Sea-Intelligence has estimated  

a one-day strike by the ILA would take five days to clear. 

 A one-week strike in October could cause slowdowns until mid-November.  

Two weeks would take you into January because of the congestion of ships and the backup of containers." 


"An analysis from Mitre estimates that a 30-day strike centered at the ports of New York and New Jersey could result in economic impact as high as $641 million per day. 

 In Virginia, an economic impact of $600 million per day is forecast"



"In 1882, the Knights ended their membership rituals and removed the words "Noble Order" from their name. This was intended to mollify the concerns of Catholic members and the bishops who wanted to avoid any resemblance to freemasonry. Though initially averse to strikes to advance their goals, the Knights did aid various strikes and boycotts. 

 The Wabash Railroad strike in 1885 saw Powderly finally adapt and support an eventually successful strike against Jay Gould's Wabash Line after C. A. Hall, a carpenter and Knights member, was fired for attending a meeting in February. 

 The strike included stopping track, yard, engine maintenance, the control or sabotage of equipment, and the occupation of shops and roundhouses. 

Gould met with Powderly and agreed to call off his campaign against the Knights of Labor, which had caused the turmoil originally. This gave momentum to the Knights and membership surged.  

By 1886, the Knights had more than 700,000 members" 

"The Knights' primary demand was for the eight-hour workday. They also called for legislation to end child and convict labor as well as a graduated income tax.  

They also supported cooperatives. The only woman to hold office in the Knights of Labor, Leonora Barry, worked as an investigator.  

She described the horrific conditions in factories employing women and children. These reports made Barry the first person to collect national statistics on the American working woman." 

"The Knights of Labor helped to bring together many different types of people from all different walks of life; for example Catholic and Protestant Irish-born workers. The KOL appealed to them because they worked very closely with the Irish Land League. 

 The Knights had a mixed record on inclusiveness and exclusiveness. They accepted women and blacks (after 1878) and their employers as members, and advocating the admission of blacks into local assemblies.  

However, the organization tolerated the segregation of assemblies in the South. 

 Bankers, doctors, lawyers, stockholders, and liquor manufacturers 

 were excluded because they were considered unproductive members of society "


"The Knights of Labor supported the Chinese Exclusion Act, claiming that industrialists were using Chinese workers as a wedge to keep wages low. " 

(Wal Mart. ) 

"An injury to one is an injury to all is a motto popularly used by the Industrial Workers of the World. In his autobiography, Bill Haywood credited David C. Coates with suggesting a labor slogan for the IWW: an injury to one is an injury to all. 

The slogan has since been used by a number of labor organizations. The slogan reflects the fact that the IWW is "One Big Union" and organizes skilled and unskilled workers"  


"The principle of collective defence is at the very heart of NATO’s founding treaty. It remains a unique and enduring principle that binds its members together, 

 committing them to protect each other and setting a spirit of solidarity within the Alliance." 

"Collective defence means that an attack 

 against one Ally  

is considered as an attack against all Allies."

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