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Sunday, April 21, 2024

Progeny impetus


Painstakingly effortless says newton

coulter pinecone births seeds 

If one watch from a distance 

(Splendid barbarity

design) c section

coulter seeds birth coulter pines

Heat of spring releases man,

his wiles similar

Woman opens fences to bluejay 

The armadillo likewise observes as they rummage people scraps 

By the barbed wire illusion

Easily slid under 

To dine nightly human waste 

A bad spot on the heirloom tomato 

Or kale bought for show and tell at the instagram observatory 

Garlic greenly tossed amidst potato eyes gleaming life 

Out slips progeny impetus 

no bird devour, no fire by baptism takes 

Trampled grass, dust, rain start a new coulter, a new guarded gate, a new timeless code 

That skips past lesser lock 

General cluster gravity loosens upon impact 

As it tills soil with pounds of teeth 

In translucent stocking the kernel envelope not a propeller

Or wing but a tadpole of lignin 

On anthropocentric welfare 

In a paved world of potholes 

SE Portland 

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