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Thursday, April 18, 2024

BP Oil Disaster cont'd

 "A single switched word in the settlement prevented thousands of workers from receiving anything over the minimum of $1,300 each. To get more, they had to file individual lawsuits — an option that almost always led to defeat" 

"Out-of-state nurse practitioners who were paid $20 per plaintiff entered medical histories based on information the law firm — not a doctor — provided. 

 Firm-designed forms listed illnesses that paid more under the settlement — and doctors could simply circle them.  

The forms included a statement linking a patient’s illness to oil spill work — with a line for the doctor to sign. Doctors didn’t keep their own patient records." 

"BP’s experts maintained workers needed to show exactly how much oil and dispersant they had inhaled or ingested  

and that it was sufficient to cause their sickness.

Greenwald, the attorney who helped craft the settlement, said meeting such a standard is almost impossible:  

“I mean, ‘How deep did you breathe? Right at the moment you were standing there, was the wind blowing?’” she said. 

 “What mortal human would be able to testify about that?” 


Fascist Big oil

Fascist system. 

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