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Saturday, December 09, 2017

artesian woe den

wind horns of four hart darting fourpart hence
over sweeping bows amidst venerable spans
only halting munching
evergreen grown things ygdrasil favored
to supply abundant
comet flower tidepools of space teeming
w/starfish with horns three
as dragon dug death from roots long alive
justly occupied
forever well filled flush clear water
across earths drum
artesian spring carried force more fierce
wrought than mjolnirs big bang
squirrel stirred nutpots antics frenzy
rumor a dare devil toy
from under lady lake a stag riven hunk
of human stone floated from the bog
water spiders rowed time along bank root
drinking deftly
long draughts a myriad of life
stone became wind wind became man
man was carved
water war owned
sound imprisoned wolves
wolves shorn, caged as business
on wind full hungered the eagle juts
carving unfinished sign tones
domes carry cup ygrdraasil as seed it will be
were it was now known nut then
ships chart tenuous passage
as stolen stars scramble fishlike instant
the spore of the seed
on the tip of the horn sings not woeden

Mt Tabor Oregon

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