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Saturday, December 23, 2017

once rites blot tossed seers (2017)

the sisters-bloody took the stallion's pride to toss it midst
a grove if not hang it o'er sap hot doors
were smell not a factor in decent dancehalla root riven
cobblestone floor halued bluestones great grandmother
was born on bloody proud to have no thing but milk
and honey from breasts dis tipped in wisdom
woven or undone as trails take off tails or make ails
all one fallow knows feeling woe woden the bloody sisters
his daughters mocking the flower of flocks great rising
he cast  where deserves rest in bogs to feed dull snails
keepers of doors only bloody eyed minds born of know
and hung about the skeletal tree just strings
wind pulled or drew tomorrow with
in vicious tender dances fire shown to sif her sisters
eyes shared nine tree times seeds under that many stars
explaining cracks sound antler bone 
illustrations running fish to inlets 
cherub harvested in their bloody rank loincloths 
of wolve furs earned entrail-fast buttoned in gold
from asteroid gifts of thor sif fashioned them threadlike
to amend man a carnival rent in lights bedroom softened
under sheets bird patterned sweet with
a tree root bloomed bee sallied busy the loom
ocean working wodan dockside tallies in cuts on oak
masts with an oar hard as night lost
in the veins of the flower in ice 
the snow of once 

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