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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Her Satanic Majesties Request Mr Mike Pence

"The U.S. Geological Survey recorded an earthquake near Perry at about 10:15 p.m. The temblor was originally reported at 4.2 magnitude, centered 8 km northwest of Perry. It was quickly revised to a 4.5 magnitude, centered 9 km, or just over 5.5 miles, northwest of Perry.

The quake was reported by 1176 people. Stillwater residents reported experiencing strong shaking. At least one resident reported hearing a boom before her house began shaking.

The tremors were felt as far away as Tulsa and Norman.

It was followed at 11:05 p.m. by an aftershock of 1.6 magnitude, centered 11 km northwest of Perry"

She Comes in Colors Everwhere,

From Her Satanic Majesties Request Mr Mike Pence

4.2 Earthquake, Perry Ok


"Tulsa Police Capt. Richard Meulenberg said Trump campaign staffers directed police to arrest Buck because the event permit included the city streets surrounding the area.

“Not unlike any other private company, they reserved this area,” he said. “The campaign being the event holders, so to speak, they requested that she leave. She refused to do so. Then they called over the officers, and the officers spoke with her for several minutes trying to get her to leave on her own accord.”

Meulenberg said he had not seen contract language that allowed the campaign to direct police to arrest citizens but added, “They basically have that area, and they can pick and choose whom they want."

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