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Sunday, December 29, 2024



On a positive side, 60% don't. 

Isn't it simple?  


 Kamala Harris Has Finally Embraced Being a Cop 

"the criticism that Harris was not sufficiently progressive as a prosecutor sounds anachronistic now — bizarre, even — but at the time, Harris was on her heels.  

She struggled to parry the “Kamala is a cop” narrative and, at times, even downplayed her own law-enforcement credentials.

"But now Harris has taken a strikingly different, and far more effective, position on her prosecutorial past.  

It has become a cornerstone of her campaign as she shifts to the center, eager to dispel any suggestion that she was some bleeding-heart liberal, 

 San Francisco flower-child DA who wept for her downtrodden defendants" 

"she has chosen to lean in and celebrate her prosecutorial background rather than apologize for it. "   


Thank goodness they're part of the 60%.


"As of 10 December 2024, over 46,000 people – 44,786 Palestinian

 and 1,706 Israeli 

– have been reported killed in the Israel–Hamas war, as well as 141–156 journalists and media workers, 

120 academics, 

 and over 224 humanitarian aid workers, a number that includes 179 employees of UNRWA." 


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