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Sunday, July 21, 2019

trumptanic (2016)

depleted uranium snails were trucked to the barge
ready to sail, given their toast
and wore well buttered vests,
heard pitches from trump men
with hard cards and small hands
gave balls for dancing in rings of fake fire
to later sell the rights (and their in-betweens)
for penance recompensense
subdivided on the model grounds most fertiled loin
according to snaily statutes and serial loan sauces
on a voyage maiden flight over waves forced to lick the hull
the trumptanic doubted never and veered less
always heading mouthlike
amid hurried hate hurricanes magnified
over precipices leading to more astute precipices which not even
nightcrawling profit slime
ascend to topple,

portland, or
oct 22, 2016

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