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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

First Amendment Democrats, all 16 of them

 16 Democrats opposed the bill:

 and Reps. Earl Blumenauer,
 Andre Carson,
Debbie Dingell,
 Jesus Garcia,
 Raul Grijalva,
Pramila Jayapal,
 Barbara Lee,
Betty McCollum,
 Gwen Moore,
Chellie Pingree,
 Mark Pocan,
 Bobby Rush,
 and Bonnie Watson Coleman.

“I stand before you the daughter of Palestinian immigrants,” Tlaib said on the House floor the morning of the vote. “Parents who experienced being stripped of their human rights, the right to freedom of travel, equal treatment.

 So I can’t stand by and watch this attack on our freedom of speech and the right to boycott the racist policies of the government and the state of Israel.

 I love our country’s freedom of speech, Madam Speaker. Dissent is how we nurture democracy."


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