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Monday, January 22, 2018

forest rights, not Oil wrongs

"A recent study conducted by the University of Maryland
and the University of San Francisco (Quito) discovered
 that in a single hectare of Yasuní forest, there are some

100,000 different species of insects, 
204 species of mammals, 
596 species of birds and 
382 species of fish. 
The forest is also believed to contain the greatest diversity
 of tree species on the planet.

The ITT sector is also home to humans. The Huaoroni indigenous
 group has long inhabited the land; so have two separate clans who continue to live in voluntary isolation from the rest of human society.

 The Tagaeri and Taromenani are two of the last groups
 on earth known as “un-contacted” peoples:

although their longer history is unknown,
 in recent memory they have successfully resisted contact
and sustained communication with outside societies."


". Shunned by most lenders since a $3.2 billion debt default in 2008, Ecuador now relies heavily on Chinese funds, which are expected to cover 61 percent of the government’s $6.2 billion in financing needs this year.

 In return, China can claim as much as 90 percent of Ecuador’s oil shipments in coming years, a rare feat in today’s diversified oil market."

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